Chapter 10

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Just another day at work I guess. It's 8 am now and I'll leave at 6, so 10 hours to go! As soon as I arrived, I saw that people were gathering up in front of the bulletin board. I dropped off my stuff and went to see what all the commotion was about.

There was a paper that said "HUGE ANNOUNCMENT AT 12 PM" in big, block letters. What's the announcement about? I was curious so I asked Subin, "Hey Subin, do you know what the announcement is?" She shook her head and said that she didn't know at all.

I guess we all have to wait until 12.

Time passed by quickly, it was weird though. I didn't see Jungkook at all today. He usually have dance practice at this time, but I don't see him or Yoona anywhere.

It's 12 now and I went to the workers' lounge to eat. All of a sudden (really, while I was taking a bite of my kimchi), the speaker turned on.

"Good afternoon! This is Bang Si Hyuk speaking and I would like to announce something. This is something incredibly huge so get ready, we ... all ... are .... gonna ... move ... to ... a ... new ... BUILDING!" Bang si Hyuk shouted until the sound of the speaker became piercing.

Everyone hopped up and down, clearly excited about this new breakthrough. I was too actually, where would the new office be? Will it be like somewhere far? Bigger or smaller?

"For the rest of the day, you will all be free from work and get the day to pack up your belongings!" said Bang Si Hyuk before ending his announcement.

Everyone was cheering so loud I laughed and closed my ears, I loved seeing everyone so happy. They all rushed to their desks and started tidying up, people were running here and there, trying to find boxes in the storage room.

I have no idea when we'll actually move, but I decided to finish my work before I tidy up my stuff. I was the only one sitting down and doing work, I know I'm strange, I'm not the same as other people.

I finally finished all my work, I wanted to have free time when we move to the new building. I want to use that free time to explore the building.

It was 5 pm now and the workers are starting to leave. I want to use my last hour to tidy up my stuff, it'll be enough time since my stuff aren't as cluttered or a lot.

I'm still curious on where Jungkook is. Is he sick or something? I came to Subin and I asked her if she saw Jungkook today or not, "Subin, did you see Jungkook today?" She answered,"Nope, I don't think he's coming, maybe his si- never mind he just came."

I look at where Subin was looking at and saw Jungkook walking with Yoona behind him, following him like a puppy and its owner. Jungkook looked around and spotted me, he waved at me and directly went to Bang Si Hyuk's office.

"Kyung Mi, how did you get so close with Jungkook?" Subin asked while raising an eyebrow. I just smiled and left her without answering her question. I went to take my things since it was 6 already and I had to meet Sunmi. I waved Subin goodbye and left the office.

Sunmi gave me the directions to the bar and it was about 10 - 15 minutes by walking from the office. She said she was there already, so I just had to meet her there.

When I entered the bar, it was filled with people talking and laughing. I saw a couple of people that were drunk, but I saw Sunmi sitting alone at a table. I went to her table and saw that she was with a man. I was confused because I thought she was only meeting me.

"Hi Sunmi!" I said and hugged her. "Kyung Mi, let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Kim Namjoon."
I shook hands with Namjoon and sat across them both. "So, when did you guys meet?" I asked, I wanted to know who my bestfriend finally fell for.
"We met during college, we were in the same major, media studies," Namjoon answered, holding her hand on the table.

While I was getting to know Namjoon, someone tapped me on my shoulder.

I turned around...


The One That Got Away | A Jungkook FFOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara