Chapter 5

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It was the day of the get-together. It was 3 pm, I was still at the office. Jungkook, of course, was practicing really hard. I wanted to check on him, just to make sure he doesn't need any water or stressed. As I walk to the dance room and just wanted to open the door, a hand pushed me lightly."Excuse me, what are you doing?" the girl said. She was tall and had a great body. Her eyes were as dark as the night and she has hair as red as blood. She was beautiful."I just wanted to go inside and check on him, "I said, smiling. "Who are you to him, his girlfriend?" she said with an irritated voice, "Sorry, but I can't let you do that. As his assistant, I know he needs to focus on his practice."

I realized it was Yoona, his assistant, the one was rumored dating Jungkook. I nodded, broken-hearted and as I left, the door opened revealing Jungkook, sweaty and panting. "Hey, Kyung Mi! What are you doing in front of my practice room?" he said with excitement." I was just going to check on you, maybe you needed water, Jungkook!" I said, smiling from ear to ear. Yoona's face was stunned, she thought how dare I say to him just his name and he knows mine. I smiled at her still shocked face.

"Come in!" he exclaimed. I walked slowly, to the door and Jungkook pushed me lightly to make me hurry up while laughing. When I was inside, Jungkook went out for a minute. I heard Jungkook talking to Yoona about finishing his files for him. His voice was more serious and wasn't like when he talked to me, weird. He came in smiling brightly."Just sit on the chair over there, " he said. I took a chair and sat next to the speaker. He signaled for the song and I played it. The song that was playing was 'Euphoria', his most famous song EVER.

His aura was shining so brightly, he didn't miss a beat. By just looking at him dancing, my energy just randomly boosted up. He finished the song and ran to me. He grabbed a chair and sat next to me, he drank his water. We talked and talked about a lot of things, it was really fun talking to him.

"Do you want to dance?" he asked me.
"Dance to what?" I asked
"Euphoria..." he said and continued singing a little bit of the song. I laughed and said that I can't dance, he said he'll teach me so I danced with him. I kept failing, falling, our laughter filled the air of the room. He was someone that could understand me, listen to me and make me laugh. I finally did the chorus perfectly and made both of us so proud.

"What time is it?" he asked.
"It's, " I checked my phone, " oh shit, it's 6 o'clock!"
We were going to be late for the get-together, we got our stuff and ran outside the building, running to the ramen place, Subin gave me the address so I knew where I was going. We arrived in front of the ramen place.
"Here we go, I hope nobody notices!" he said. I nodded and we stepped inside.

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