Chapter 8

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We ran as fast as we could, the finish line was really far. A pair was ahead of us and the rest were in the back. We look at each other and nodded. We literally ran twice as fast and outrun the pair that was ahead of us. The finish line was already close! It was just an inch more, but suddenly I hurt my left ankle. We still got to win the competition and Jungkook was so excited. He was jumping up and down, I didn't want to make him worry because he is so happy at the moment, so I just smiled and kept quiet. I kept touching my ankle when we walked back to our seat, making Jungkook worried.

"Kyung Mi, what's wrong with your feet?"
"It just hurts, it started when we were almost at the finish line."
"Let's find a first aid kit."
I nodded.

He helped me go down the stairs and inside the stadium halls. We found a first aid kit and sat on the floor. Jungkook asked me to straighten my legs and wrapped a bandage around my left ankle. I was so embarrassed, I kept on insisting that I should do it myself, but he didn't let me. He finished wrapping my ankle, he helped me stood up. "I can walk, Jungkook, it's fine." I said. "Are you sure you can walk on your own?" Jungkook asked, holding my shoulder to support my balance, I nodded and smiled. We went back to the middle of the field, the games were over, there will be future events, but this one was just a tiny one. Everyone took their stuff and went back to their houses.

While I was walking out of the stadium and into the Stadium MRT Station, Jungkook shouted my name. "Kyung Mi!" he shouted and ran to me. He wanted to go home together with me because our houses are near. We went inside the station and took the MRT. We sat beside each other, we were both really tired, so we didn't talk much. The way home seemed to take forever. The train wasn't that full because it was already late at night, there were still some empty seats. The speaker announced we were arriving at my stop. I prepared my stuff and stood up, Jungkook stood up, too. The doors opened. I said goodbye to Jungkook, there was an awkward moment, but I finally left. His face looked really sleepy and tired, so I hurried up.

I walked slowly to my apartment. I was humming and thinking about my plans for the next few days. Suddenly, I bumped into a girl. "Hey, be careful when you walk, don't hold your phone!" I said, annoyed. When the girl looked up, I soon realized it was a familiar face. The girl realized, too. "Sunmi?!" I shouted. "Kyung Mi?!" she shouted, too. My eyes began to water and so did hers, we ran into each others arms. "When did you come back from your studies? I haven't seen you in years." she said while wiping her tears. Sunmi was my ultimate best friend, she was like a sister to me. We had been friends since we were 3, so that's a long ass time.

We were in the same school since kindergarten, we did everything together. When I broke up with my boyfriend, she was there for me. When she had problems with her mother, she would talk to me and I will always listen and comfort her. Sunmi was a tall, skinny girl. She had straight, long, black hair that came down until her chest. Her eyes were kinda small and she had long eyelashes. She was born pretty, she was popular among the boys at our highschool. She was included in the big 3. At our highschool, there were 3 most beautiful girls, one of them was Sunmi. The rest 2 were not as kind as Sunmi, they were popularity-obesessives.

"Let's meet up tomorrow!" Sunmi said. "Sure, but I have work tomorrow, so let's do it at night in a bar somewhere." I said. "LET US DRINK !" she shouted while raising her hand. I laughed raising mine. We hugged each other and exchanged our numbers. I continued walking. I finally arrived in my apartment. I took of my shoes and went straight to the fridge, taking some ice cream. I went inside my bedroom to put my things and took a shower. I changed into an overiszed sweater and some shorts. I went to my table and started working on my laptop, I had to finish a report in the marketing progress of Suga and Jungkook. I am working as the staff Suga and Jungkook, so I handle a lot of work.

After I was finished, I went straight to bed and ate my icecream, watching, of course, another K-Drama. This time, I was watching The Heirs.
I decided to go to sleep so I put the ice cream away and turned off the tv. I drifted off to sleep.

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