Chapter 93

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"I just love her so much," I whispered to Shawn as we stood over the crib watching Cadence sleep.

At night, she slept in a bassinet next to our bed. We had her nap in her nursery so that she'd be used to the crib and the room once she started sleeping in there full time. We'd just put her down for a mid-morning nap and I wanted to just stand there and watch her sleep. I honestly could not get enough of her.

"It's insane how strong that feeling is, eh?" he said softly as he put an arm around me.

We slipped quietly out of the room and went out to the living room where we cozied up together on the couch.

"You really should take a nap while she sleeps, Chels. You were up half the night feeding her."

Our baby liked to get up every two hours to eat, all night long. It was getting to me, and it showed. I had dark bags under my eyes.

"Can I sleep here?" I asked as I nestled against his chest.

"Of course."

He kissed my forehead as I drifted off.

"Honey, Cady is up," Shawn said as he gently shook me awake.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "How long did I sleep?

"Two hours. I'll go get her."

I sat up so he could get off the couch. He went to the little room next to ours and I heard him talk to our baby. He was apparently changing her diaper since it took him a few minutes to return.

"She blew out of her diaper," he said with his nose wrinkled. "I had to change her outfit. I'll go throw the crib sheet in the wash with a load of her clothes."

He then handed me our daughter who I kissed several times before putting her on the boob. As she nursed she looked up at me. She had a thing for eye contact, just like her daddy.

In the two weeks that we'd been parents, our life had become very simple. We never left the condo and our world revolved around the little one we'd made out of our love. Between my parents and Shawn's, we'd been well fed. I'd never gone this long without cooking, and I really missed it. I knew, however, that time spent in the kitchen was put to better use with Shawn and Cadence.

My husband was a natural at fatherhood. He'd been anxious the first couple days after we brought her home, but then he gained confidence in his parenting abilities. When she'd fuss at night, he hold in the crook of one arm while rocking her and singing his songs. I loved watching him in these tender moments.

I switched Cady to the other side as Shawn plopped down next to us.

"While you napped, a song idea came to me. Do you mind if I go into my office to work through it on the guitar?" he asked.

"I'm fine with that as long as you share it with me later."

He kissed me and then kissed the baby before going off to make some musical magic.

"What should we do?" I asked my tiny daughter. "Do you want to watch Great British Bake Off?"

She wiggled a little in my arms which I took as a yes.

By the time Shawn finished up with what he was working on, the baby and I had watched three episodes. She'd had a diaper change and another feeding, and I'd eaten some leftover spaghetti as a snack.

"Gimme that baby," Shawn said as he walked over to us.

"Did you miss her?" I asked with a laugh as I handed her to her daddy.

"I missed both of my girls."

I watched as he nuzzled her tummy.

We spent the rest of the day passing the baby between us when she was awake, and cuddling on the couch while she slept. As hard as the nearly-sleepless nights were, this made it all worth it.

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