Chapter 1- The Newbie

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I was walking down the side walk, thinking about how i had missed my old girlfriend Rae, since I've hadn't heard from her in five years, which was the start of my Freshman life. In high school, I had a rough time of being bullied because i was a lone wolf with no pack or friends, but I remember all the times. I gotten bullied by my peers and hated all of them, since they were from my middle school Life it was normal since there was only one high school in my city. I also remembered the good times too and also remembering the friends i started making and soon was a lone wolf with a pack of rogue and lone wolves. I then stopped walking and was looking in front of me was the famous "Blood Diamond Academy" i keep wondering why the place was named that, even if the website said it was because of  blood diamonds being found. I still didn't by it, but hell with it i just walked on to the grounds as other students looked at me weird, but didn't know why so i just kept walking. After walking around for what felt like hours(But was twenty minutes) i found my dorm and took out my I.D card and opened the door while walking in it looked like a small house with two bedrooms,one bathroom a living room and a kitchen. I set my luggage down on the wood floor then started walking to an bedroom to see if my roommate was there, but it was empty and so was the other bedroom. I guess I'm the first one here, so i went and grabbed my things and took the bedroom on right and started unpacking after two hours of unpacking. I had my laptop plugged into the wall on the desk that was facing the window he had while also having his black curtains up. I smiled looking at the bed that had black and red sheets on it with matching pillows, then looked at the desk and saw i had room for his 40 in flatscreen t.v. "I can't wait to meet my roommate, wonder if he is one of the perverted guys,lone wolf,jock or completely different in an all new category." I said to myself then left the dorm and went to my moms house since that's where i was moving from and ended up taking her car with all of my things in it and drove back. Once I got back at the Academy and was starting to unpack, all of a sudden and boy with tan white skin,brown hair,green eyes, walks up wearing black and red Nike's,black jeans with red lining and Tokyo Ghoul that has a picture of Touka on the front. The guy taps the side of my shoulder with the back of his hand lightly "Oran, dude it's been fucking ages man." The guys says happily, I looked at him like he's crazy "Do I know you?" He smacks my head "Hey moron did you really forget your pal LeathalWeapon?" I remember and smile giving him a fist bump "Billy, dude I didn't know you were gonna be here and hell I never seen your ugly mug IRL before." Billy smiles and fist bumps back as we smile and he helps me with my things, me and Billy talked for a while as he helped me with my stuff and looked at my white Xbox one. "Hey Oran I thought you liked black and red, why do you have a while Xbox and controller?" Billy said with a smug look and I laugh then say "because it was what my GameStop had in stock,also it was a 1TB console, so suck it." I looked at him smiling while he looked a little annoyed with a mixture of pissed, but he smiled and we each had a can of Mountain Dew then he left for his dorm as I just sat in mine happily.

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