Chapter 4- Billy and Oran's History

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Later that day I got to my dorm and heard something running like a dog and I look to my left seeing a huge wolf with black fur and brown eyes then I smile knowing who it is "Yo Billy what's up my cracker!" I say smiling and he smiles back "What up so where's your girl?" He asked being all smug like again then I sigh and chuckle "She has a vampire club so I'm not allowed to join since I'm human, but I have her some of my blood so she won't be thirsty." Looks at Billy who's fur sticks up and shakes "What is big bad Billy hate the idea of me giving my blood to my girlfriend?" I say teasingly the Billy tackles me down to the ground while looking down at me growling "Billy I didn't realize you were gay." Laughs while seeing him get more pissed, but kicks his left side with my right leg knowing it doesn't hurt him, but it allowed me to get him off and I got up as he turned back to normal and we laugh. Unlocks my door "Billy you want to come in and have a drink?" Billy chuckled "Fuck yeah I would, like you said back in our reach days, we're brothers from another mother." We fist bump and walked into my dorm with him shutting the door and followed me to the kitchen and tossed him a Mountain Dew While I had a Dr. Pepper. I sat down on the couch while he took my lounge chair then turned on the t.v and went to YouTube, Billy looked at me confused as to what we might be watching. He smiles when realizing I put on Halo Reach fails of the Week playlist and he said "Dude I remember watching Reach fails and it was fucking awesome." I chuckle and play it "yeah man it was a hell of a year for players on Halo: Reach, hell I still remember scaring the shit out of you and multiple players in pac-man." I say laughing.

-start of flashback-
I get on my Xbox 360 loading up Halo: Reach an see L3thalWeapon5 is Online and immediately gets a party/game invite and joins the party and game as it was our Halo game Night. Someone picks a zombies pac-man style map and I turn my human character to an spec-ops elite with black and red as my colors while laughing evilly which makes everyone in the party scared then the game starts and I'm the pac-man which was a somewhat slow zombie with a hammer and everyone couldn't hurt me. I start talking like jigsaw from the saw movies and it made everyone scream loudly when I started killing them all and leaving L3thal left he screamed the loudest when slamming the gulf club on his head.(The gulf club and hammer looked different, but did the same thing.)

-End of flashback-

I laid back looking at the t.v as a spartan player gets a knife between the balls which made me and Billy wince, but laugh then I look at him "You Bill do you remember how we met?" He looks at me and smiles "Yeah of course." I shook my head knowing he didn't then he sighed and said "not really." Then I put my soda on a cup holster that was on the coffee table "We were playing Halo 4 and I was new and you had a clan that was recruiting and we played a couple of matches on then you asked if I could join so I did." Says smiling knowing that me and him left clans that were being to rude,restrictive or just dispatched. Eventually I stop doing clan stuff and became a MERC for my friends clans. Billy "I mostly remember the Reach days when your mom yelled at you for being shit scared when you had the right to be." He said knowing it's true even though I was living in an apartment at the time, but it didn't matter cause the whole place was loud with kids "yeah, but now that I think back it also was late at night and My voice was a little high pitched." Billy chuckles and looks at me seriously "Dude everyone thought you were eight-teen to twenty something year only when you were only fourteen." I laugh knowing that was a hundred percent true "yep and I'm still laughing at the thought when I would play MW3 and people would think I'm black or Mexican, even though I sound completely white as hell." Me and him just laugh and continue watching fails then we hear the door unlock and see Rae walk in, she looks at us and sees what we're watching the sits on my lap and cuddles me while looking at the t.v "So you guys watching game deaths or something?" I clear my throat "it's actually Halo Reach fails of the week vids of people being dumb." Says and acting like a professor of knowing what it is, but it only made the woman I love and my friend/brother laugh and he ended up on the floor loosing his shit from laughing. Looks at him "Hey fuck you." I say with a New Yorker accent while giving him the middle finger from both hands and he does the same back as Rae just smiles seeing that we have that brother connection and if any of us was hurt we know the other will kill whoever messed with him. After a while Billy and I bro fist and hug then he leaves going to his dorm, when turning around Rae smiles and says "Seems like you and him could actually be brothers except your the whiter one and he's tanner." I walk up to her and cuddle her "Yeah, Billy and I played Xbox for so long that when ever one of us was having a shitty day or something the other would try and cheer him up and of course we had some fights or hardly any, but if we did. We would say sorry make up and start killing fuckers left and right." Rae just smiles then kisses me on the lips and I return her kisses until we start making out while adding tongue we got up from the couch went to my room, I was in my boxers and she was in her sleep attire. After a twenty minute session of making out and teasing stopped as we went to bed without going any further and we went to sleep happily while I was having a strange dream.

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