Chapter 2- A new world?

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It was 9:00 pm at night and I had gone to bed in my shorts and short sleeve shirt, while sleeping I started to dream about a forest that was in spring with pine,maple and trees, it was sunny. I walk into an open field that seems like it's at least an acre or two long then I look up and it turns to night as all the starts and moon shine brightly then the moon turns blood red as I hear her voice. Looks around then sees the field sprouting up roses that looked like blood was covering them then I get tackled to the ground by a beautiful red head, her green eyes turning red as she smiles then says "you're mine and I am yours." Then sees her fangs when she smiled then leaned down to kiss me, beep beep beep beep, I groaned when getting woken up from my point of view was a good no was a great dream, gets up and checks the time and gets up going into my bathroom. After taking a quick shower I went and put on my black jeans,black halo shirt with a red Legendary difficultly on it and my black zip up jacket hoodie, I went back into the bathroom. Starts brushing my teeth as I'm thinking about my dream with Rae, "it felt so real" I thought while rinsing my mouth out with hot water which burned like hell for a few seconds. Went back into my room and starts up my t.v and Xbox while putting on my Turtle Beach x04 headset on as it was plugged into my iPod then I started to listen to Achievement Hunters halo 3 LASO as I'm playing halo 3 Legendary with five skulls on. After playing for an hour I check my iPod and sees that my first class today was in twenty minutes as I put on my white socks and black Nike's with a red trim. Went and grabbed my laptop and my laptop case as I started putting it in then grabbed my sketchbook while grabbing my iPod touch,phone and wallet as I hook the chain to my pants loop then left my dorm. After walking down the halls of the main school building I find my first class with three minutes to spare after having grabbing myself a can of Dr. Pepper from a vending machine. I walk inside to see a lot of students talking in groups while it seemed everyone had their special groups already and I went and took a seat in the far back right of room. Looks out the window to my left, until everyone stopped talking and heard some gasps then I look to see her walking in like an angel, my heart started racing a little "Rae." I said in thought. She walked in and looked around a bit then saw me with a smile as she walked up some guys were smirking and staring at her which ticked me off, but I kept cool then Rae sat down next to me. After she got up and hugged me lovingly which caused all the guys to look at me in shock,anger,jealousy "great, now I'm gonna die here." I said in thought with annoyance, then I heard Rae speak "Sorry boys, but I'm taken already so stop staring at me and my man." The way she said it made it sound like that was an order and it were to be followed, I saw the guys sigh or groan as everyone took their seats when the bell rang. I saw the teacher walk in wearing cowboy boots,tan cargo pants,light brown shirt and a brown cowboy hat "Morning class I'm Mr. Wyoming." Some people gave a little laugh, but shut up when he stared down those laughing then he started listing some school rules that didn't seem to bad, until I heard "an those who are vampires or werewolves please don't be making a scene on school grounds." I did a double take of confusion then that's when Mr. Wyoming took his hat off and I saw them, real fricken wolf ears then I saw other students showing their true forms. My eyes widened in shock on what just happened as some students were werewolves,cats,vampires, etc. this was something that I never thought possible and the teacher looked at my and asked " Oran, is it? Are you new to this type of school and what monster are you?" I gulped then sighed and answered " Yes I am and I'm no monster I'm just human." I answered while feeling my heart start beating faster thinking that maybe I should've just lied, but Mr. Wyoming smiled and laughed "I figured since this is the first school and only school to allow monsters and humans co-exist." He said while all happy, but I saw some guys looking at me like they want me dead while some girls seem to look at me like food, that was until Rae gave everyone a look. After class I saw more monsters and humans walking and talking then felt someone tackle me from behind then knew who it was after hearing her giggle "hey Rae." I say with a smile while blushing a little since everyone watched as my vampire girlfriend hugs me lovingly "Hey my handsome human." I blush a little more at that then looks back at her while giving a smile then heard another voice speak up "hey Oran are you going to be fucking a girl already on the first day." I sighed and growled a little knowing who it was then turn my head to the guy who was standing in front of me "screw you Billy, I ain't fucking my girlfriend on the first day." He smirks then I realize that he has black wolf ears and tail which made me just stare in shock "what are you really that surprised that I'm a wolf? Damn dude you need to see the supernatural world more often." I chuckle and we fist bump "I didn't think the supernatural world was real." Rae let go of me and just looked at Billy as he just smiled then I coughed and cleared my throat "Rae this is Billy and Billy this is my girlfriend Rae." They shake hands while seeming like they're on good terms I take Rae's hand and started walking down the hall then let's go of her hand as I look at my next class "Okay I have, sword making next. How about you?" Looks at Rae and she smiles showing me her classes which made my eyes go wide as we both have the same classes, I hear her giggle a little then start walking to our next class.

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