Chapter 6- New Change

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I open my eyes and see I'm laying on the ground with something wet around me like water, sits up and looks around to see that the sky was all pitch black or at least what seemed to be the sky. "Where the hell am I?" Stands up then looks at what I could've been feeling and falls on my ass freaking out as it was blood water, an ocean of blood water that is an inch high. I get up again and calms myself down then starts walking forward and hears a woman's voice "So you finally unleashed your power, Oran." I look around to see where see is, but doesn't see her "Who are you? how do you my name?" Says while swallowing a gulp then all of a sudden then blackness turns to a night sky as a pure white wolf appears with wings and it's pure white fur seems to be actually light. The woman's voice spoke again "I am the wolf goddess Veronica, and I know your name cause you are part of me." My eyes widen then shakes my head then two more figures appeared, the one on the right appeared from red flames and the other on the left appeared from the ocean of blood. Bings and sees the figure on the left is a woman with bright red eyes and black raven hair while the other figure was huge with black and red scales then it looked down at me to show its bright mix of black/red eyes. My mouth dropped as I realize the figures I'm looking at "You're a vampire and you're a dragon!" I exclaimed excitedly which caused the three just to giggle then the dragon talked "It's nice to finally meet you Oran, my name is scarlet the goddess of dragons." I bowed to her with my right arm crosses my chest as my hand touches my shoulder "It's an honor." Then took a huge guess and bowed between the wolf goddess and who I had guessed was the goddess of vampires "It's an honor to have you two , well it's actually an honor to have all three of you." I unbowed "I've read everything about you three from my classes and in my free time." The three goddess's smile then the vampire speaks "Thank you and my name is velvet, and like you guessed goddess of vampires." She walked up holding her hand out to me and I shook it then she went back to her spot "So where are we and why are we here?" They each look and then Veronica spoke "It's because you unleashed your hidden power and we're all in your mind." I look around in shock then thought of a DSR 50 sniper rifle and it appeared from the blood "cool. So does my power come from all three of you?" They nod and I smile "cool so what kind of training are we doing then?" The three just stare before laughing which had me confused before scarlet spoke "We'll just give you the knowledge of how to control them." I smiled that it was gonna be that easy then all three started glowing bright until I opened my eyes and saw a ceiling then looked around realizing it was a hospital room and saw Rae next to my bed asleep with her head on my bed sit while in a chair. The door opened and a nurse walked in "Oh god you're awake it finally took you long enough for a second I was getting worried you had died." She said in a sweet calming manner that would creep most people out, but I just smiled and felt my blanket move a little then saw Rae look at me in shock at first then hugged me happily. "Oh thank god you're okay I was so scared." She said while starting to cry, but I hugged her back to calm her down "It's alright babe I would never die on you without at least a fight." I said jokingly, only for her to lightly hit me then the nurse walked up "Now this might shock you, but please stay calmed." I look at her confused until she handed me a mirror and looked at seeing that my dirty blonde hair had turned pure white and my eyes were bright red with pure black where the white of my eyes should be. I opened my mouth and saw two fangs then had wolf fangs in the back of my mouth moves a little and sits forward for her to move the mirror and saw that I had dragon like spikes going from my upper body to lower then I got out of bed right as the nurse tried to stop me. Looks to my side and sees a white wolf tail wiggling around "This" Then touched the top of my head and wolf ears popped up and looked at my hands that seemed normal and so did my skin "So what happened and how did I end up like this?" Rae walked up and looked at me in the eyes "Me and Billy brought you here and the nurse put you in bed and after ten minutes you were engulfed in some strange aura then you appeared like this after it left." I close my eyes thinking about that dream then opened them wide eyed "So this is what the goddess's did to me when they gave me full control of my powers." I say in amazement which made Rae look at me confused then decided to tell them what happened in my head and Rae sat down for a second then looked up at me "But you smell human still. How can you look like that and still smell the same?" I thought about it and closed my eyes then my body went back to normal and I opened my eyes smiling "I guess it's a form it can take and get rid of." Rae just let's out a sigh of relief then the nurse starts taking tests from me and it turns out I'm better than before which met me and Rae left the room and saw Brayden and Billy sitting in chairs as they smiled at me happily and we ended up in a bro hug.

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