Chapter 3- The unexpected roommate

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After finishing our classes for today me and Angelica take a walk in town as I'm wondering what type of monster she was which seemed a little weird to think she was a monster. I then remembered her calling me her 'handsome human, so she might be a monster?' I asked myself in thought until I heard Rae say 'yep I'm a monster, well more specifically I'm a vampire.' I looked at her confused seeing that she didn't move her mouth and it left me confused until I heard her talk again 'I can talk telepathically and sorry for entering your mind, but I couldn't help it after seeing you staring at me in my gym uniform.' Hearing her  say that she caught me looking at her caused me to blush red since it was easy for her to make me blush 'it's not what you think I wasn't really staring I was just watching you beat the other students.' I say nervously, but she didn't by it and laughed then kissed my neck which caused me to tense up which caused her to giggle both in and out of my head then she said 'you're to cute and precious' this caused me to put my hood up and tighten it so she can't see my face being tomato red, but can guess she already saw and just started laughing a little. After walking around town and getting some food we got back to the academy and I started walking to my dorm as Rae follows  as we get to my dorm I unlock the door and walked inside with her coming in. 'I hope my roommate will be here at some point and I wonder who it might be or what they might be.' I walk into the kitchen and start putting away the food I bought and Rae starts doing the same and looks at her confused "What are you doing, I thought you bought that stuff for your dorm?" She looks at me as if I couldn't figure it out "really, do you not realize you're staring at your roommate?" I blink and realized while face palming myself for not realizing it was her when she was putting all the food we like away. After all that we sat on the living room couch and turned on the t.v then I gave the remote to Rae so she can watch whatever she wants, I get on my iPod and go to my YouTube app to see that the t.v is blue tooth which made me smirk then starts playing Achievement Hunter let's play Halo 3: LASO part 1 and connects it to the t.v and I watch as my video plays. I quickly hide my iPod then sees her looking at me with glowing blood red that just lure me in as I just stare then hears her ask "Did you just stop my show dear?" I gulp and for some reason I ended up nodding with no control of my body as I'm just staring at her. Watches as she pushes me down on the couch like a predator that just got it's wounded prey , Rae just giggles as if she's innocent then leans forward enough to have her mouth by my neck. I was getting all tensed up as hell 'Oh god what she gonna do to me? Is she gonna drink me dry for joking around?' The next thing I know. She's biting into my neck slowly which hurt a little then all of a sudden it stopped and turned to pleasure, after about a minute I feel her pull out then lick the spot she bit. Rae sat up and looked down at me as she smiles with my blood on her lips,Teeth and fangs, I watched as she said "next time don't change what I'm watching or I might make it painful, but knowing you, you might actually like it coming from me." Gulped again as she got off of me and sat back in her spot while I had control of my body then sat back up and putting my hand on the spot she bit, the two puncture wounds still there, but no blood was oozing out. I grabbed my iPod and turned her show back on which made her happy and I ended up getting a kiss from her that felt like the whole world stopped and my mind went blank. Rae pulled away slowly as if to tease me which just made me blush red instantly and she just laughs saying "you know most guys aren't suppose to blush like you do." I turn to her and breathe in "well....I'm not most guys so sue me for being so...easily blush able." I say dramatically and just hears her laughing away, which made me feel a little embarrassed then she hugs me saying "That's why I love you and your blood tastes better than anyone else's I've tasted." This again made me blush and just guessed she knew that what she said was gonna make me blush anyway. After her show was over I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth then went into my room and started changing while having my door shut, that was until Rae walked in and said "Hey it's ya boy suga nips!" I jumped and fell on my bare ass while looking up at her blushing of embarrassment and trying not to smile or laugh since it was a joke from vanoss gaming. "Really babe you have to scare the hell out of me and do a joke at once while I change!?" She just smiled and looked at me which made me realize to cover up so I did and just stared at her until she went to the bathroom while I went to bed while having my laptop open and the screen saver giving light. As I'm getting ready to sleep I hear the bathroom door open and the light switch flick figuring Rae is going to bed and she did, but it was in my bed so I turned to her. Then I saw she was wearing black bra and guessed her panties were the same which was a little funny since my boxers,shorts and shirt were black "Whatcha doing in my bed babe?" She just smiled seductively or innocently since both are basically the same to me.( Don't blame me you all would think the same thing if your girlfriend use to be a model and is sexy hot.) Then Rae said "I doubt you really care if I'm in your bed since you've slept in bed with me when you were staying the night, remember." I sighed remembering that then answered back "Yes, but that was in the seventh grade of middle school and I really didn't have my teenage hormones back then." She just giggle and hugged me so I returned the favor knowing there was no way out of arguing with the women I love the most. In my dream scape I'm walking around in a field of white flowers that turned blood red as Rae appeared and walked up to me as we were the same height 5,10.5 then her eyes and hair turn bright blood red as she hugged me then we fell onto the ground while I'm on top of her as she giggles showing her neck to me as then I heard her say "You can have a drink my love." In my mouth I felt a pair of fangs growing then I bit into her neck and started drinking as all the flowers turned to blood around us and the blood moon rose up into the night sky. We looked at each other happily and then my POV went to the side as I saw us sinking into the blood and as we kept sinking it got darker and darker as we hugged each other turned into a drop of blood hitting what seemed like blue water, but I looked about seeing it was an eye. My eyes shot open as my heart was pounding and my right eye had a small bright red ring around my pupil while bright blue was around the red, I took deep breaths before calming down and my eyes went back to being blue with a little bit of green while not knowing what had happened then looks down at my sweet angel, to see that she is completely in the buff which made me have a nose bleed as my eyes are open wide 'Holly crap she is naked and I don't remember taking her clothes off' she sits up and looks at me tiredly while smiling sleepily "Good morning sexy." She says happily as all I could say was "Uh...uhm..m-morning." She just giggles then I watch her grab a tissue from the box on my desk and gave it to me then starts wiping the blood away quickly in embarrassment.

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