Chapter 10-The unknown enemy

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It has been two months since my dragon power had taken over with out me knowing and luckily Rae had used a spell before she lost all sense of reality and of course she gave me an ear full. I was drinking another potion for my headaches and to keep my dragon power in check since he wouldn't shut his trap "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY YOU DAMN HORNY DRAGON!!!" I scream in anger while slamming my head into my desk then decided to try and actually face him or maybe contact the dragon goddess for help. Closed my eyes and opened them to see I'm in my mind and looks around then sees my dragon which surprisingly seemed to actually act like a teenager then a thought came to mind "Oh for fuck sake don't tell me he really is a teen." Then I heard her voice answer "Yes he is and I'm sorry about your little problem two months ago and through the pain of headaches from him." Scarlet said as she walked up to my side while I just groan "Why is he so hyped up on sex?" She looked at me and laughed "He is going through puberty and will mostly likely stop whenever it was your body stopped." I gulped and asked "How old is he in human years?" She stopped as to think and answered "14." My eyes widen and knew I had three more years of hell, but heard her laugh "Don't worry he matures faster to catch up to your age so in five more months he'll be your age." I sighed that this is gonna be my next five months, but remembered most weeks my hormones just stopped and I was good for six months until they started again. So me knowing that the dragon is a part of me I decided to have a chat with him, walks up to the dragon as he's sitting down reading a book and it made me smile that he was reading my old time favorite book "Warriors." I walked up and sat down next to him "So you like Warriors?" He looked at me and nod then said "Well I am you Oran and sorry about pissing your, I mean our mate off." He winced a little remembering the beat down each of us had to take except my wolf and vampire sides since they didn't need it because my wolf never really mated with her and didn't know she was under the power of the dragon while I forgot and my dragon didn't think it was a problem. After a while and getting to know that my dragon and I are somewhat different in some ways like the fact that his dragon name is Blitz wing and his dragon abilities are to control fire,shape-shift and shadows. After having our talk Blitz had is own plain of existence in my mind so he could do his own things and I would have no memory of it. I went and talked to the other two and realized that they liked gaming and reading like me, but had different tastes in food. Two hours went by in my head, but in reality it's been two minutes so I got up and started making lunch for me and Rae even though she somewhat still hasn't forgiven me for what happened. I made myself a stake and cheese sandwich with fresh spinach then starts eating it happily, while Rae had her stake and cheese with lettuce,olives and unions on it. She got thirsty then drank from me, but it hurt just a little since the day she was mad till now the pain started to become less and less, it was the worst day when she had drank from me after the indecent and put the pain to the max. Since that first bite my wolf and even vampire had their own places in my mind to leave so the only one in pain was me and me alone, three minutes later I'm walking down a sidewalk that led to a nearby family dollar where I went to go grab two, twenty four packs of soda cans since I'm running low. A figure in a jacket hoodie with red and yellow flames walks in my way, tries to go left they went left I go right same thing this was pissing me off, in true Oran nature I teleported five feet passed them, but they were in the way again. "Can you please just fuck off I'm in no mood to have some random person block-" I stop and coughed up something then looked down to see I've been stabbed the person who was blocking me, as they pulled out what I thought was their normal sword or knife was actually a huge fucking sword that was actually part of their arm and it transformed back. My legs shakes as I fell on to them while healing myself fast then looked up and as a low growl came from me, made my sword appear while vanishing and appearing then vanished again to confuse the person or thing. Charged up my dragon rage then blasted it at them once it hit the person or thing. The jacket hoodie burned away to reveal that the person was in some kind of armor that was what looked like hunter worms mix of what you would see in Tokyo ghoul which sent chills down my spine as my instincts told me to get the fuck off of earth and good to another galaxy. The thing or person just said some kinda of weird Language that kinda sounded distorted and the Hunter looking worms of the suit just separated and slithered down into the ground which made me wonder what other things live on or in my planet that we humans and supernaturals don't know about.

The boy and the Vampire princess Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon