21. Luke is a dumb ass

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"She's right you know." Allie tells me as we walk back towards the fire. She was sobered up during the fight with Delaney but the alcohol seems to be hitting her pretty hard again. "About what?" I ask her. "I am selfish, make everything about me. God even when she told me she was...hurt....and then that she was pregnant...I cried like it was my life that was ruined. I couldn't even be strong for her." she cries. She is slurring her words together but I've had enough practice with my friends to understand more or less what she is saying. "Allie, being empathetic to your friend doesn't mean you made everything about you...I mean ya, you should have stuck with her tonight, especially since it sounds like she asked you to, but the other stuff I wouldn't say was selfish but I don't know what things were like with y'all back in New York". I tell her.

About this time we get back to the bonfire, a lot of people have left or passed out in the field around the fire but Luke and Ben and a few of our other close friends are still there. Allie goes and sits on Ben's lap and starts making phone calls, I'm assuming to Delaney since every time she doesn't get an answer Allie starts to cry again.  Ben being as chivilrous as a pig is sucking on her neck like he needs to to breath. I think about texting her to check on her but decide against it, I don't want to be pushy.

"So where did Laney go?" Luke asks. I don't like how he  uses her nickname like they are old friends and I know HE knows that too by the smirk on his face. The thing is, I have no reason to be jealous. Luke and I have been friends since we were in diapers (his parents own land near my grandparents so we were the only kids for miles when I spent time there). He wouldn't do anything to hurt me, he just likes busting my balls about things and getting a rise out of me. "Home." I answer and take a sip of my beer. It will have to be my last one since I need to take Allie home.

Next thing I know Luke is typing away on  his phone and it keeps dinging like crazy. He has that stupid smile on his face that he gets when he wants to get me worked up and I know immediately who he is texting. He randomly looks up at me while he is texting to make sure I am still watching him. When the texting seems to have stopped I go over, slap the back of his head and steal his phone from him. When I see what he has text her about I face palm myself and sigh. I can't believe he said those things to her.

*** Authors note***

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