55. a (not so) good morning

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I rolled over to my side reaching for the gentle man than held me close all night long, only to find the bed cold and empty. I really needed to pee so I stretched and got up and walked into the bathroom. Fortunately it was empty but the mirror was still foggy and I could tell the shower had been used.
I use the bathroom and then pad down the short hall to the kitchen, a shirtless Will is standing by the stove cooking something that is every pregnant girls dream. Well, at least this pregnant girl. Pancakes!
I quietly walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I cant believe two days ago I was freaking out over things moving too fast and here I am now thinking how wrong  for us to not be touching. I cant get enough of him. From the way things are going the feeling seems mutual. He turns around  wrapping his good arm around my lower back and lifts me up to the island behind me. He kisses me gently at first but soon I let him know I want more by licking  his bottom lip. He doesnt hesitate to kiss me back more deeply.
I run my hands across his pecs and down his sculpted abs. I can feel myself heating  up and reach for the waistband of his sweatpants.
Will freezes. "Delaney,  I don't think..." he is cut off by a knock on the door followed by a familiar voice practically screeching "Willlllyyy open up!". Will runs his hand through his hair "FUCK" he yells making me jump. "Wait here we will talk after I get rid of her." He says walking towards the door after he gives me a chaste kiss on the forehead.

"Why would he stop me from moving things further?" I asked myself. I could come up with a couple ideas...
1. He isnt as into me as I thought
2. The pregnancy is a turnoff
3. He is disgusted by the fact I was raped and doesn't want to be with me that way.
I start crying and decide it's time for me to go home.

***authors note***
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