61. 1 month

29 1 0

The next few weeks flew by. Will and I spent all our free time together, mostly staying at my place. We hadn't gone any further than kissing but these pregnancy hormones were getting to me and I was hoping he would finally realize how ready I am to be with him.
The roundness is my belly was getting more pronounced and with the growing belly came the nightmares. Flashbacks, back to that night. I was thankful for the weekends when Will would stay over, the nightmares never came then.
I had just sat down to look at more adoption profiles when Will text me.

Will: hey beautiful.  Surprise tonight, I will pick you up at 7, wear something comfortable.

Me: I work in the morning, its Sunday remember, plus I have so much work to do:(

I really did want to go with him tonight but my adoption appointment was Tuesday and I still had barely skimmed the families looking to adopt. On top of the 2 ads I had to work on I was feeling overwhelmed.

Will: :(

I know it was just an emoji but picturing a frown on Wills always smiling face was enough for me to cave. I only wanted to see him happy.

Me: fine, fine I have, I'll be ready at 7. Cant wait to see this surprise you have planned. Xx

Will- you wont be disappointed xx


When will picked me up I saw he was wearing sweats and a white t shirt...i wondered where we were going that he was dressed so casually. I was wearing a pair of black leggings,  a white tank and a cream colored sweater so I guess I wasnt all that much more dressed up than he was .
"Hey beautiful girl, will says while wrapping his arms around me. Will has finally been able to remove the sling off his shoulder thanks to physical therapy, I can tell it still hurts him sometimes though.
He gives me a quick hello kiss before instructing me to wear a blindfold he brought.
"I dont know Will.... can I just close my eyes when we get close?" I ask him. Some things make me extra uncomfortable, and the thought of wearing a blindfold for a long drive was one of  those. Thankfully Will is always understanding of my vices.
"Ok darlin, he says and kisses the top of my head."
When we get to the parking area of my apartment building I notice he has Luke's truck and not his. "Will where is your truck?" I ask. This makes will grin and say "no questions about my surprise date."

We drove for about 20 minutes and I recognized the route we were taking. It was leading  us back to Wills place. When we pulled into  his driveway he instructed me to close my eyes. "Do you trust me Delaney?" He whispers close to my ear. "Yes" I answer him. "Ok then I'm going to guide you to where we are going okay?" I not my head yes. We walk for what seems like 3 minutes when he tells me I can open my eyes. In the horse field is his truck, filled with blankets and candles, sparkling cider, snacks.... "no wonder he had Luke's truck."  I think to myself.
I tear up at the thought of this sweet man going to all this trouble to make this night special. "Happy one month of dating beautiful." He says as he wraps his arms around me and holding my baby bump under his hands.

After eating, will and I cuddled and watched a movie on his tablet. We didn't get 15 minutes in when he started planting kisses along my jaw.
I turned around,  straddling his lap and kissed his mouth. It didn't take long before our shirts were off. "God you are so damn beautiful" Will whispers in his husky southern drawl that I love so much.  I can feel he is ready for this to happen, and I am more than ready. I reach my hand in the top of his sweatpants and this time he knows I'm ready and doesn't stop me.
When we are done Will pulls me close to him and kisses my neck. Since I've been with him I've come to learn he is a cuddler, he always wants to be close, arms and legs tangled. I love this about him. I love that he wants this closeness always. "I love you." I whisper. But Will is already asleep.

*** authors note***
I MIGHT make a smut scene book that elaborates on these chapters but I havent decided yet....if anyone is interested in that comment otherwise I will leave it at this for now.

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