75. Theo and Gianni

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"Hello! I'm Theo" the blonde tells me as he walks up and holds out his hand to shake. "and this is my husband Gianni " he gestures to the tan, darker haired man beside him. Gianni also politely shakes my hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Delaney and this is my best friend Allie." I introduce as they also greet Allie.
"I'm so glad this all worked out for everyone to make it" Natalie says to our group. "Do you have any questions for each other?"
I decide to start. "I havent actually gotten to look over your profile but I remember seeing you both my first time at Evercare. "
"That's why you look so familiar! I remember now!" Theo cuts in, clearly he is the most sociable one though Gianni is smiling kindly at the whole group and shoots a look of adoration at Theo whenever he speaks.
"I smile, yes that was me. So how long have you two been together?" I question the two men.
"Theo and I have been together for 10 years, we spent most of them travelling and enjoying the married life, now we hope to take our marriage the next step further and become parents." Gianni answers with a slight accent. Theo reaches over to hold Gianni's hand.
"What do you do for a living?"
"Well, I am an accountant but I do work from home, Gianni is a chef and owner of the restaurant 'The Grape'." He tells me. "We arent rich, but we do well for ourselves and live modestly." He further explains.
I dont know what else to go from here so I look to Natalie for help.
"Maybe the guys have some questions for you, they have looked over your profile so they know quite a bit already."
"Do you know if you want an open or closed adoption?"  Theo asks
I look to Allie. "Um...honestly...I...I dont know...whatever you want is fine."
Everyone looks at me surprised. I had just slipped and told them I had chosen them to adopt this baby.
"Really?" Theo asks excitedly with tears in his eyes. "You want us to adopt your baby?"
I slowly nod my head.
"Delaney, you don't have to choose the first people you meet babe." Allie cuts in. Fortunately no one seemed put off by her statement.
"I know. But I think it was fate that we both went for our first appointments on the same day and that Natalie picked them of all people to come here when the other family who was supposed to have this slot couldnt be. I know Natalie wouldnt work with a family that isnt a wonderful family and I trust her that she chose Gianni and Theo out of all of the waiting families. " I explain.
Theo immediately throws his arms around me in a big hug.
Gianni hugs me next but definitely more laid back of a hug than Theos.
I looked at the men hugging and celebrating with each other, both crying tears of happiness and I knew I had made the right decision.

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