26. Heated

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"Willyyy" I hear my annoying best friend calling my name and turn around to see not only him but Allie and Delaney with a huge, breathtaking grin on her face. "You were amazing! " she happily squeals at me and I feel like winning this competition doesn't even matter anymore because I already won just by her saying that.
" You saw?" I asked "I looked for y'all after I was thrown and didn't see you where you had been sitting." I tell them. Delaney's face immediately turns red with embarassment. " Sorry" she says not looking at me " The smell is a little much and I got a little sick,  my stomach is so sensitive to an..." she is cut off as a tall, tan brunette bumps into her, hard. I don't have to look twice to know who it is.
"Samantha, don't start today, please." I plead with her. I don't understand why I have to have this conversation with her every time she sees me out. She is the one who broke my heart, plus it's been 3 years.
Samantha smirks "Start anything? Will you know me I wouldn't do that.  I just wanted to see who was getting my sloppy  seconds.... I'll tell you Will...your standards have really lowere." She says nastily. I grab Delaneys arm and pull  her behind me now that I know Samantha is here to start shit, she has been known to get in physical fights with other girls quite often.
The problem with Samantha is, she was born into a rich family,  given everything she wanted, never told no. This all went to her head and made her selfish and cold hearted,  something she hides well when she wants to win you over; something I learned the hard way.
"Sam fuck off, don't you have a street corner to go stand on or something. " Luke spouts off.  I try to keep things civil but I think Luke hates her even more than I do for the way things went down.
Samantha ignores him and stares laney down. "I'm gonna be sick. " I hear Delaney whisper and then she darts off, Allie on her trail.
"Knocked up  already huh? I thought it was weird she was throwing up earlier but then I heard her and her trashy friend talking about it....you still haven't learned about condoms I take it?"
"Ya know what Samantha....go to hell." I say before walking off to find out if Delaney is feeling ok.

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