76. weight off my shoulders, weight on my shoulders

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"Natalie, I hate to cancel the brunch with the other family, but I am certain of my decision. They are exactly the family I was hoping for this baby." I tell the adoption agent after Theo and Gianni leave.
"I still think you should meet the family, you might really like them they are a beautiful couple and..."
"Please Natalie, I dont need to. I feel it in my gut that I've already chosen the right people."
"Ok sweetie. If that's what you want we can meet next week again and have paperwork drawn up, go over details etc. Does that work for you?"
"I can probobly head into work today and only take a half day...can we do it late afternoon next week so I dont miss anything at work then?"
" I can call you later and see what we can do maybe we can all meet for dinner somewhere and do it over dinner." Natalie suggests and I agree.

"Allie, you dont know how much of a relief it is to be move in some sort of direction with this. I feel like a huge weight is lifted off of me" I tell my best friend on our way home from the meeting.
"I have something else that might make you feel even better." Allie coyly states.
"Oh yea? What's that?" I ask with curiosity.
"I am moving here! My stuff should be delivered next week."
"Allie wait...where are you going to stay?" I questioned, shocked. While I loved Allie and she is always fun to be around...to put it lightly she is a slob. Plus we cant even go a week staying together without arguing so to live together would be a disaster.
We pull up to my apartment at this point and get out of my car. "Well I'm going to live with you silly!"
Allie happily says.
With that I drop my keys out of shock. How does she think this is a remotely good idea? I wonder to myself
All of a sudden Allie bursts out laughing..."oh my God you should have seen your face! You looked like you were going to pass out!" She is bent over cracking up at this point and I scowl at her. She wipes tears from her eyes and continues " even I'm not dumb enough to think living together is a good idea. We cant go a week staying together without fighting and I dont want to live with your obsessively neat rules. I love you but you're way too high strung." Allie tells me and I know its true so I dont even get upset.
"Okay, so again, where are you going to live?" I ask again.
Allie immediately blushes but doesnt say anything.

*** authors note***
I'm only stopping here to ask
Who do you think Allie is going to move in with? The story continues after the stars...

"Allie?" I prompt her to answer me.
"Well you see....after I left...Ben and I kept in touch....we've been talking right along and we started dating...long distance obviously...lots of video chats, phone calls that sort of thing and whenever you're working or the nights I havent been here.... I've been with him...." she blushes again. To say I am shocked is an understatement. Allie has never been one to be in a serious relationship and now she wants to move in with a guy she hardly knows.
"Delaney don't. I am happier than I have ever been, dont start judging my choice to do this."
"I'm not judging...okay I am but Allie I dont want to see you get hurt...this is so soon!" I attempt to talk some sense into her.
"Its not soon. We have technically been talking as long as you and Will and we never fight and havent had long breaks in between talking like you and Will. "
"Allie that's completely different. What would you fight about Ben with? You arent around him in real life. Everything is sunshine and happiness for dating online! And dont cheapen my relationship with Will by comparing it to online dating. " As soon as I said it I regretted it. My hand flew to my mouth. Tears welled up in Allies eyes. "Allie I am so sor..." "Delaney don't....I guess if it's not your way it's not good enough. But I'm happy and I thought as my best friend you would be happy for me." With that she walks into her room.

Allie please let's talk about this." I knocked on her door for the 5th time. She finally opens but not to talk. "Ben is picking me up, I need a break from you Delaney."
"Allie I said I was sorry! I am just worried about you, I don't want to see you get hurt!" I plead with her.
"You're the one to give advice on how to protect yourself from getting hurt? Sure looks like it Laney." She says coldly.
I stare at her for a moment before turning around and walking to my room to get ready, a half  day at work is better than no day. I hear my door close shortly after that.

***Authors note***
Here is a photo of Ben:)

***Authors note***Here is a photo of Ben:)

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river viiperi as Ben Wilson age 25

What do you all think of the fight between Allie and Delaney? Is Delaney  overstepping by trying to give Allie advice? Do you agree with Allie or Delaney on this?

Also the next chapter will be Delaney's 20 week appointment...she can potentially find out what the baby is....any guesses?

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