Chapter 7

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It felt like I had been tied up for a year Jerry said it had only been a week. We heard footsteps slowing getting louder. Jerry grabbed his stuff and ran for the door. The showman walked over nd untied me. He pulled me by my arm and threw me back into the dark lifeless room. I never thought I would be happy to be in there. Penny ran to me and hugged me like I was her baby.

The door slammed shut, Jerry ran over to me. He lifted me up gently off the ground. He sat me down on the bed. I cried out in pain. Jerry said to everyone "I have a plan to escape. When we get our water delivery the small door opens. I measured the door it's big enough for us all to for through. When we get our deliver I will place my hand underneath. We wait till the truck is gone and we climb out. You guys will go first I go last." We looked at each other and said " what if you done get out what about you? " he said " don't worry about me"

The intercom went off "everyone get into your uniforms practice starts today. You have fifteen minutes starting now. Penny and Jerry helped me up. We all out on my outfits and waited for the door to open. The showman opened the door and showed us to our places. He put Jerry and penny up on the trapeze and me in the middle of the ring with animals. He pointed at jerry and penny. Jerry grabbed his swing and swung to the other side.

The showman told me "when on release re lions you have to show them your in charge show off beat them with that whip. They already ate but the ground won't know that. The words beat them with that whip repeated in my head. As he released the lions my heart started to pound. As they walked towards me I pulled out my whip and slapped it down they sat down I snapped my whip again and they bowed there heads. It was like I knew how to control a beast. I saw one bleeding I felt bad for them. They looked harmless.

After practice e was over a snuck over to the lions cage. They walked over and sat near me like a house cat. I slowly put my hand on one and let sniff me. It rubbed it nose on my hand and lo ked my bruises. They weren't vicious beasts. They were hurt like me I felt bad for them. Unfortunately society would want lions roaming around so I couldn't do anything for them. I would try to miss them when I used my whip so they didn't hurt. They reminded me of my cat at home. His name is boomer we call him boomie cat though. He is lazy and adorable. But the sweetest kitty in the world.

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