Chapter 13.

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penny and i sat on the dirt ground scared of what had happened to jerry. a small stick had been lodged in between the door and the wall. we heard yelling from the other side. the showman threw a punch putting jerry to the ground. three minutes later a gun shot was fired . i whispered to penny to get on my back. the door creaked suspensefully. penny tried to move faster but the door was already open. penny and i held each other praying our lives would be spared. "come on we got to go" ot was jerry penny started crying as she grabbed at jerry he lifted her up onto her back and said "hold on tight"  we ran as fast as we could with fear. jerry fell to the ground. he started bleeding out. he had been shot. i try to lift him up. tears falling down everyone's face. " take penny go you must get to safety." he handed me a picture of a women and a little cassette tape.  he said to me"find this women and give her this cassette. tell her i loved her and what had happened." a tear rolled down his pale face as he took his final breath.

the showman slowly walked towards us and said "there is no escape stop now and i might consider letting you live." i picked up penny and yelled to him, "not a chance you sick bastard!" a gun was fired again. i ran like i was flying. skipping a beat everytime. we reached a old abandoned building that looked like it had been there since the 1800's. i tried to run around it but as soon as i reached the corner, she had been shot. i yelled out like i had just had my heart ripped out. she smiled at me and pointed to the road. that had meant i was only 2 more miles from the school. i rubbed her head and begged for not to go. she smiled at me as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. i dropped the bag and ran. a trail of blood followed me as i ran . i tried to wipe it off in the dirt but i still ran down my leg.

he yelled louder every second i got closer to the road. i tripped over a small tree that had been tipped over from a storm. my legs started to bleed out. i got back up and continued to run. the blood trail got heavier as i limped through the sand. i finally saw a  road. i felt a little relieved. i saw a bullet fly right passed my head. i tried to run faster but i felt weak. i had finally saw the school the buses just arrived. everyone was leaving. the showman walking right behind me in a intense way. a car quickly drove past me and around the corner. i looked up and there the school was. i ran quick. i saw my mom and my boyfriend. the showman grabbed me and stabbed me in the side. he missed all of my organs but it still hurt like hell. i elbowed him in the side and ran up to gabe. 

 he dropped his backpack and ran down the stairs. everyone got out there phones and started whispering. he ran up to me and hugged me as tight as he could, and promised he would never let me go again. "pew!!" my mom fell down the stairs and started bleeding out. the showman had shot my mother. "i told you if you try to leave i will kill everyone you know and love. i warned you my little ring leader." i started balling my eyes out. he shot me in my shoulder. sirens coming from the street over sounded. the showman tried to run but he grabbed me instead. 3 cop cars showed up in front of the school. he yelled out " if you shoot she dies!" the showman was held me by my left arm. his long nails dug into my skin. i started to bleed out faster. 

i woke up in a hospital bed an hour later. i couldn't remember what had happened. i must have lost conscience. a doctor covering most of his face walked in. i had an oxygen mask on, when he walked in i thought he would just check me cause i had woken up. he grabbed the plastic tube and bent it in half. he had suffocated me. i was finally reunited with my mother again. dying at the age that i did sucked. but i learned things about the world i never believed in. so i guess i could thank the showman for killing me. these are my last words

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