Chapter 1: Imperial College

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Jessica buckles up her seat belt as the pilot announces that they are about to land in London, England. She sighs and rests her head against the window, closing her eyes and letting out a shaky breath, thinking about her previous life. Tears start to well up in her eyes, but she quickly shakes her thoughts away, not wanting herself to cry. She then opens her eyes and realizes that she has already landed and people around her are gathering their belongings.

Jessica stands up and follows everybody's lead. She finds herself slowly inching her way forward until she is out of plane and has now entered the airport. Her carry on is lugging on her arm as she walks in the direction to the carousel in order to get her luggage. She reaches her destination and waits a couple of minutes until the luggage starts arriving. She stands, waiting until she sees a suitcase with a ribbon with an infinity symbol on it. She then steps forward and tugs up the heavy bag, struggling to get it on the floor. A couple seconds later, she succeeds and does the same with her other bag that later came. She places her carry on on her suit case and pulls up both the handles to pull her suitcases along.

Jessica makes her way to the exit of the airport and stops walking, standing to the side so she doesn't get in any ones way. She then pulls out her phone and orders an Uber. It tells her the car will arrive in fifteen minutes. In those fifteen minutes, Jessica keep her eyes down and stands awkwardly, waiting, pleading for her ride to arrive.

Finally, her Uber has arrived and she pulls her luggage across the sidewalk until she is in front of the car. She pulls open the trunk and places all her bags inside, shutting it afterwards. She then walks around the car until she reaches the side door. She pulls open the door and climbs inside the car, shutting the door behind her. She settles in her seat and buckles up. The car slowly pulls away from the curb and joins the rest of the cars trying to leave the terminal or even the airport.

Jessica looks in the adjustable mirror in the front of the car and sees that her driver has brown hair. She then notices her stunning green eyes. 

She's gorgeous, Jessica thought.

"Do you attend college or are you just visiting?" the girl driving asked.

"Oh, um, I'm actually just starting college, so I guess I could say I attend college," Jessica replied.

"I'm Scarlet by the way."

"I'm Jessica."

"How was college for you," Jessica asked curiously, wanting to know what she should expect when she starts college in a couple days.

"I've actually never been to college. I didn't really want to. I just graduated high school and that was it. I mean, that's why I'm driving for Uber. I have to make money some how. Col-. Sorry I'm rambling now."

"No it's completely fine. I think you should go to college and if it's too expensive, you can always get a student loan."

"No, I'm too late for college."

"No you're not. You're like what? Eighteen?"

"Nineteen, actually."

"Scarlet, that does not mean you are too late."

"Yes it does because I will be the oldest in my class. That's embarrassing."

Jessica looked out the window and realized that Scarlet was pulling up in front of Imperial College. Scarlet then parked the car.

"Here take my number," Jessica said, writing her number down on a piece of paper and handing it to Scarlet, "and think about going to college. You are not too late. Maybe we could meet up one day and I could convince you that college will help in your future."

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