Chapter 9: Acceptance

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Brody and Jessica didn't know how long they sat there staring at each other.

Jessica's heart warmed from what Brody said. She was disappointed from what that girl Sienna said, but Brody was trying. For her.

Brody was hoping that Jessica would see that he wanted to be with her. He was hoping that she would see how he was trying.

As Jessica stared at Brody and the more she thought, a smile spread across her face. She realized that she was letting her guard down and she was okay with that. She knew that she had to move on from Liam. Not all guys are the same. Just because he betrayed her doesn't mean that Brody would do the same.

"You're trying to prove yourself to me?" Jessica questioned.

"Of course," Brody said, "I want to be with you."

"I like that you were trying."

Brody smiled a big goofy smile. He liked that Jessica realized his effort and that she appreciated it. 

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Brody asked.

"Sure," Jessica said.

Brody and Jessica slid out of the booth and walked to the exit. Sienna and her friends were nowhere to be found.

Brody sighed at that and so did Jessica.

They started their walk to the pathway on campus. There was a field that the pathway cut through. Students were on the grass, looking up at the sky. Trees surrounded them and a small stream of water that you can go over with a bridge.

Brody and Jessica started on the pathway in silence. 

Jessica kept replaying that small, but important, moment in her head.

Brody, however, was thinking of when Jessica smiled in the cafe. He would do anything to see that smile again, but he would forever hate himself if he was the one that took that smile away. He would never forgive himself.

"Why?" Jessica asked.

"Why what?" Brody questioned, looking down at Jessica. Jessica was facing forward, not meeting Brody's gaze. 

"Why prove yourself to m-me?" Jessica said, looking up at Brody.

Brody could see the insecurity in Jessica's eyes. The sadness. The pain. 

Brody stopped walking and pulled Jessica to a halt with him. A student walked around him with a grunt, mumbling about how people walk too slow and how they shouldn't stop walking suddenly.

Brody ignored him.

"Why wouldn't I?" Brody asked with pure curiosity.

"Look at me," Jessica said, looking at anything, but Brody.

"Believe me Jessica, I am looking at you."

Brody took a step closer to Jessica.

Jessica's eyes snapped up to his from his statement. She was staring directly into his eyes.

"No Brody. You don't understand."

"Then help me understand," Brody pleaded.

Jessica just shook her head as her eyes watered and her lip trembled. She looked away, hoping that Brody wouldn't see how broken she was. Brody did.

He closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around the hurt, broken girl. He pulled her into his chest and hugged her.

Jessica couldn't help but let the tears flow. Sobs left her mouth as she shook in Brody's arms.

Brody was rubbing her back and just comforted her. He didn't care that they stood there for ten minutes. All he cared about was the girl in his arms.

He felt as if he was sharing Jessica's pain, even though he didn't know what happened to her.

He then rested his chin on her head as her cries quieted down.

"Who hurt you?" he whispered.


Brody and Jessica spent the rest of the day together. They went to dinner and talked. Jessica didn't say what happened to her or why she broke down the way she did. Brody didn't pester her about it. He knew that Jessica would tell him when she felt comfortable enough. He was okay with that.

He was walking her to dorm. 

Jessica didn't want this day to end. She wanted to stay with Brody. 

"Jessica," Brody started, "will you go out with me? On a date."

Jessica looked up at Brody and smiled.


"Really?" Brody asked.

"No," Jessica said, staring straight.

Brody was disappointed to say the least.


"Brody, I'm kidding," Jessica giggled, "of course I'd go out with you."

"Cool," Brody said, trying to contain his excitement.

Jessica looked up at him and smiled. Brody couldn't help but smile back.


I know that I was supposed to update yesterday, but yesterday was just a bad day and I was really tired. I also got home late, but hey, at least I updated toady.

I'm sorry that the chapter was short!

What do you think of Brody and Jessica?

Are you happy that they are going out on a date?

How are you?

Don't forget to vote!

Bye my fellow Masqueraders


Have a good day/night!

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