Chapter 2: The Start of Something New

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Jessica just laid there, staring at the girl that introduced herself as Mackenzie. 

The name suits her, Jessica thought.

She then realized that she probably looked like a creep just laying there and staring at a girl she just now met. So, she sat up.

"I-I'm Jessica," she introduced meekly.

Mackenzie walked further into the room and placed the bags that Jessica just realized Mackenzie was carrying, on the only available bed in the room.

The beds had basic white sheets and pillows with white pillow cases. The beds reminded Jessica of hotel beds. She then looked at the other side of the room and saw double doors. She assumed that it was the closet. There was a dresser on the right side of the closet with drawers. The dresser had a large mirror attached to it. The window was covered with both blinds and a curtain. Overall, the room was good enough and provided enough space for the two girls.

Jessica looked back at Mackenzie and saw that she was also sitting on her bed just like she was.

"Sorry you had to hear all that outside," Mackenzie said.

Jessica nodded and looked away. Mackenzie frowned.

"So, um, are you new here?" Mackenzie asked, trying to make conversation.

Jessica didn't turn to look at Mackenzie, but she nodded her head in agreement.


Jessica nodded again.

Mackenzie sighed and looked away.

"Do you want to know who was out there?"

"Your boyfriend," Jessica guessed, though it was obvious from their exchange that it was, indeed her boyfriend. 

"Do you want to know how he is? You know what, I'm just going to tell you. His name is Jason and he is the most amazing and perfect human being alive. He's so sweet and caring and, most importantly, he is loyal."

Nobody is loyal or perfect, Jessica thought.

Her mind wandered back to places it shouldn't be. It wandered back to her past life. Her sadness. Her pain. 

She subconsciously rubbed her wrists. 

The images of Liam and Nicole flashed in her mind. The looks on her friend's faces.

She shook the thoughts away before she looked like she just escaped an insane asylum.

"And he is-" Jessica cut Mackenzie off.

"I h-have to u-unpack," Jessica stuttered out.

Mackenzie took the hint and closed her mouth, making sure not to say a single thing as she watched the girl with black raven hair stand up from her bed and began unpacking.

"D-Do you w-want t-the closet?" Jessica asked, looking down at her clothes that were on her bed.

"You can have the closet."

Jessica nodded.

She began hanging up her clothes as Mackenzie just sat there and watched. When Jessica had only a couple of more things to put away, Mackenzie stood up and started unpacking as well. She placed her clothes in the four drawers provided, organizing her clothes on the way.

When Jessica was done, her stomach rumbled, indicating she was hungry. She walked back to her bed and picked up her phone with a twenty dollar bill in the case. She grabbed her keys on the bed as well and walked towards the door. 

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