Part 6

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Your alarm goes off, you bury your head in the stuff turtle trying to drown it out. You soon realize that isn't going to happen, so you lean up turning your alarm off. You check your phone. 

'no new messages' 

You shrug not really expecting anything, You set the turtle down and begin to get dressed. You yawn grabbing your bag as you walk downstairs. you look at the door seeing your fathers shoe's are at the doorstep. He must of left for work already. You look in the kitchen, you mom already dressed and ready to leave, as she makes eggs. 

"just in time, i was about to come wake you. Your foods done and i have to go, ill see you later tonight. Love you" your mother kisses your cheek as she walks past you.  You eat your food. That feeling again..You shrug it off assuming its Jeff. You finish eating and leave the house for school. You find another can outside your house, once more you kick it, and jump down the few steps leading up to your porch. You put your ear buds in while walking. 

bleh....a love song..You skip the song. Another love song..You give your phone a confused look as you skip several more love songs. The thought of Jeff begins to come into your mind. Your get frustrated and go to you tube looking up the first song to come to mind. You let of a sigh of relief. Not a love song. You shove the though of Jeff into the back of your mind. Unsure of why he kept coming to mind. You keep walking twords your school. Not really wanting to stay home..but not really wanting to go either. 

You hop around the corner of the bush, and see cops once more at the front of your school, you assume its just another break in. You walk closer and hear your peers talking, seems like it was more then just a normal break in. You stand outside of the crowd, you take your earbuds out and walk up to a classmate of yours, "any idea whats going on?" She just looks at you and walks away quickly. You make a confused expression and try asking another person. the same reaction. You do this a few more times before an officer approaches you with your teacher behind them. 

"Excuse me, Mrs '(L/N)', we need to speak with you. Your not in trouble we just need to ask you a few questions." You now understand why everybody was walking away from you. You nod at the policemen following them to there car. "we have called your parents, they will meet us down at the station, and we will deiced what to do from there." 

"i though you said i wasn't in trouble?" You say walking along side the bigger one. 

"and your not, we just need to go over a few things with you regarding your safety." You hear people muttering things as you walk by, oh the rumors that will begin from this. The Bigger one opens the car door as the small one gets in the passenger seat. You set in the back seat of the car watching your school disappear in the distance as they drive away. 

You play with your necklace trying to calm yourself still unsure of whats going on. You pull up to the police station, and one of the cops open the door. You see your teacher pulls in next to the police car. You see your parents car already parked with nobody in them. They must be inside waiting. You walk in along side next to the two police men and your teacher. You see your mother and father inside, they rush over to you and hug you as soon as they see you. 

"are you alright, i was worried, i came as soon as i got the phone call." your mother says checking you to see if your harmed in any way. 

"yes im fine, please somebody tell me whats going on" you look around confused, clearly everybody but you knew what was going on. 

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