Sweet baby girl

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I was sitting in my room sulking when my mom burst in the door. "ARIA ISNT HERE." I turned around and attic up. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE ISNT HERE." "I mean she isn't in the house. We've tried calling her and she won't answer. We think she has run away." "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have been so hard on her. I know she didn't mean it." "Honey calm down." "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN MY BABY COULD BE ANYWHERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT." She looked surprised "I'm sorry, im just worried." "It's okay sweetheart. How about you give it a shot at calling her." I sighed mowing she probably won't answer. I went to pick up my phone and seen her ring next to it. I picked up my phone and called her. To my surprise she answered. "Hewwo" "o my gosh baby where are you" "I no know, mommy I scawed." "Ok baby stay on the phone mommy will be there. Can you tell me what you see" "I see pwark, I see a building." "Can you tell me what the building says." "It say uncle muwways bar." "I know where you are baby I'll be right there." I ran downstairs put on some shoes and run to my car. I hear mine and arias parents yelling behind me but I ignore them. I race down the street, "baby I'm right down the street I'll be there in two minutes" "okay mommy"she whimpered, I seen her sitting against a tree curled up in a ball. I basically jumped out the car while it was still moving and ran to her, when she saw me and ran and jumped into my arms. "MOMMY", I caught her and began kissing her all over her face. "Don't ever do that again, you had me worried sick." "Sowwy, me thought you no wanted me no more." "Baby I couldn't live in a world without you. I was just upset and wasn't think about little you. She doesn't understand emotions as much." "It otay Mommy." "Let's go home" I walked to the car and put Aria in her car seat, I realized she was only wearing a pull up and my hoodie. "Baby did you bring a bag." She nodded putting her thumb in her mouth. I pulled it out and she pouted. "Don't do that, it's yucky." I quickly ran to get her bag, and went back to the car. "Baby did you by chance bring a blanket. She nodded slightly I could tell she was sleepy. I got out the blanket and seen her paci and put it in her mouth and within seconds she was fast asleep. She was adorable, when we got home she was still asleep. Instead of waking her, I just pick her up making sure to have the blanket completely surrounding her, I don't want her to get a cold. It was kind of hard to unlock the door while holding an adult sized toddler but in managed. When I walked in the door, our parents immediately. But before they could say anything. I shushed them and pointed to Aria. They nodded, I took her upstairs to my room. I checked her pull up by pulling at the back causing her to squirm. She was wet so I had to change her, she woke up when I began to wipe her. I put her in Disney Princess pajamas and I let her nurse until she feel asleep again. When she was asleep I gave her, her paci and stuffed unicorn she calls "cupcake". I kissed her head and headed downstairs.  "Where did you find her" "at a park about 10 minutes away" "did she have a pacifier in her mouth." "And was she wearing a pull up." "She was, like I said she thinks like a 2-4 year old so sometimes she forgets to go to the bathroom or her body won't wake up when she has to pee. If you have anymore questions you can wait til tomorrow to ask the both of us. She can explain it better than I can, and if she wakes up right now and.." I get cut of by a small voice "mommy?" "In here doll" she waddles in the room dragging her blankie and holding cupcake. She crawls on my lap and puts her face in my neck. "You can't sleep" "she nodded." "You want me to read a story," she nodded, "ok you go pick the book and I'll be up in a minute" "otay" she walked off "she really cute" "I know can't believe I got so lucky. Well I'm gonna leave before she throws a fit. Goodnight" "goodnight" I walked upstairs to see my little girl wiggling in bed. "Watcha doing cutie." "Me want cuddles" "Alright got the book." She nodded and handed it to me. "Good choice." She cuddled into my side as I began reading. Not long after she was in a deep sleep. "Goodnight Baby girl love you" I said before kissing her for head, the last thing I heard before falling asleep was , "wove you to mama."

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