Meeting Chloe

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While we were on the plane I asked Aria to give me Chloe's mommy's, Hayley, number. I was planning to surprise the girls, having them meet for the first time at the airport. I told her our flight would be landing in about 20 minutes, and we still had to go to baggage claim. She said her and Chloe were about 5 minutes away. Aria was asleep so I woke her up and told her to pack her things up. She was still half asleep. But she woke up when I told her I had a surprise for her when we got off the plane. She repeatedly asked what her surprise was, she got really antsy and began jumping up and down. I got a text from Hayley, saying the were outside in front of a white Toyota Camry. We went to baggage claim and grabbed our bags, we walked towards the pickup area, I saw an adorable girl jumping up and down, acting similar to Aria. Hayley saw us before either of the toddlers saw us, we covered both of their eyes and walked them towards each other. We nodded at each other, and uncovered their eyes. "AWIA" "CHLOWE" They squealed and hugged each other. They turned to us and hugged us "thank you mommy". They both said "you both are welcome" We walked to the car, Hayley just so happened to an extra car seat that Aria could use. Me and Hayley were in the front talking, but we had to talk over two very loud toddlers, Very loud. We were going to see hthe new house before going back to their house. She asked me the address and we discovered that we lived next to each other. We took the toddlers out, and Chloe ran to the other side of the car that Aria was on, the side that was closest to the door and grabbed her hand. They were absolutely adorable, I have never seen two humans as cute as they were, they were talking about the stuffies. The house was giant, it was almost 3 times as big as our old house. We walked in the house, the kitchen, living room and dinning room were still furnished. The only thing we had to decorate was the bedroom, Arias play room and little room. I was thinking about giving Aria a play set in the backyard. The backyard was really big. Me and Hayley has seen the little ones begin to get a little bored, so we decided to take them next door and let them play. Me and Aria were only staying for the night and leaving really early. The girls played for hours but when when they found out we were leaving in a few hours, they threw a tantrum. They clung together and cried, we told them they'd see each other by the end of the week. They didn't care, they just cried louder. I understood they just meet today and they were already being seperated, Chloe even asked if she could come with us. I felt so bad I hate seeing my baby girl cry. Not longer after they cried themselves to sleep. I picked her backpack up and mine and put them on my pack. I picked up Aria, and Hayley picked up Chloe, we put them in the car. Lucky for us the slept the whole ride, until it was time for us to get out. They both woke up and looked at each other and tears welled up in their eyes. "Bye awia" "Bye chlowe" they hugged one last time. They both looked so sad, me and Hayley flashed sad smiles at each other. I picked up Aria, when I turned my back to walk I felt lean over and wave. We boarded the plane and headed back to New York. As soon as we got home we took showers and went to bed. When we woke up, we began packing clothes, electronics, stuff from the kitchen and random clutter. We finished everything in 3 days, we were having everything expressed mailed out today. We were leaving tomorrow morning and our stuff should arrive the day we get there or the next. Hayley said if were not there she'd take the boxes in the house. When we arrived back in California, Chloe and Aria reuniting was adorable. They seemed like they haven't seen each other in 10 years in reality it was about a week. But now they'd probably see each other everyday. We began furniture shopping the day we arrived and the house was completely done in a week. Aria and Chloe have grown closer and Hayley and I have to. They came over every day, to help unpack or decorate. It was like we've know each other our entire lives, but it was only about a week in real life.

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