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Lately when aria is in her headspace, she is so much more clingy than usual. Like if we're sitting on the couch watching tv, she is literally on top of me, her face in my neck, playing with my hair. But the last couple of days,she just wants to sleep, she doesn't even want to play with her toys. She'll try to stay in bed all day with her stuffie and paci. Me and Aria are still laying in bed, earlier, she cried, when I told we had to get up to eat. She broke out into heartbreaking sobs, it hurt me so much to see my baby girl like that. So I told her we could stay in bed a little longer. She laid back down, and cuddled into me.
A couple hours later, we had to get up. Aria was still asleep, so I picked her up and carried her downstairs I put her in her playpen with a blanket. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decide to make something simple, I made some oatmeal, I put arias on a plate with some yogurt and fruit, while I put the fruit in mine. I went to the living room to wake up aria, she slightly shook her, "wake up baby girl, breakfast is ready." She mumbled "no hungwy" I picked her up and put her in her high chair, "can you try and eat for mommy." I sat down in front of her, "she reached towards me with grabby hands. "Come on bubba, at least one bite." I said picking up the spoon, She began crying, "no make me eat pwease mommy." The sound and sight of my baby in distress, hit me hard. I quickly picked her up and put her on my hip trying to calm her. "Baby, can you at least nurse, mommy needs to get something in your belly." She hesitantly nodded, I was relieved. I went into the living room, took of my shirt and let aria latch on, she nursed for less than half the time she usually does. I was starting to get really concerned. "Alright Baby, can you tell mommy what's wrong." She just shrugged, "does your..." right before I could finish my sentence, she threw up all over the floor. She began to cry, "awww baby it's okay." "I sowwy mommy" "you did absolutely nothing wrong." I took her upstairs. I took her in the bathroom and took off her pajamas, I ran her a bath. "Mommy bath?"!she asked "maybe later bubba" she pouted but let me clean her. I took her out and dried her. We walked into my room, I put a pull up on her and tucked her into my bed, I didn't want to waste and clothes. I ran downstairs to get a bucket. I put it the the side of the bed she was on, i felt her forehead and it was a little warm. I went to the bathroom to a thermometer, I took her temperature and she had a temperature of 102.6. That was high, if she wasn't better in a couple of days, I'll have to take her to the hospital.
I went downstairs to clean up, before I walked away, I turned in the tv to Disney junior. I cleaned and decided to try and get aria to nurse again, I won't push, but she really needs to eat something. I went upstairs to see her laying on top of the sheets with her hand in her pull up. I walked over to her, "excuse me little missy, why is this in there." I said pulling her hand out and pointing to her pull up. "I no do anyting, I just... I no do anything promise" "I believe you," she sighed in relief, "but even if you did, I probably wouldn't punish you because your sick." "Mommy play?" "Maybe later, when your fever goes down. That reminds me." I went to the bathroom and got the children's cold medicine. "No mommy it yucky." "Come on baby girl, it'll make you feel better. She shook her head, "mommy will give you kissies and cuddles, and anything else." She thought about it, "we watch movie?" "Anything you want bubba" She hesitantly opened her mouth, I quickly put the spoon in her mouth before she changed her mind. She made a sour face, "swallow, if you don't swallow we can't watch a movie, because your not listening to mommy and that's bad." She swallowed, "yucky" "does your tummy still hurt." "A wittle bit," "do you want some tea," she nodded, I ran downstairs and started the teapot, I took the water off before it completely boiled so it wasn't to hot, poured it into her sippy cup, I added a little sugar, and took it back upstairs.
I went upstairs upstairs to see Aria wiggling in here seat. I set down the sippy cup on the nightstand, "anything you need to tell me," I know she needs me to change her pull up. She shook her head and continued to watch tv, I handed her her sippy cup. I wasn't going to change her until she asked me,  she continued to wiggle. "Mommy" "Yes baby" "change" "come on" I picked her up, there was a wet spot under where she was sitting. I took her in the bathroom. I put her down and took of the pull up and let her wipe herself. "Baby, you left a wet spot on the bed." "I sowwy" "it's fine baby, but I was wondering if you would be comfortable wearing a diaper, just while you're sick, and you can go back to wearing pull ups." Hayley had given me some of the diapers Chloe used to use, I was told she occasionally still wears them, i would probably tell aria if she was a still slightly on the fence about them. "You don't have to if you want, I just thought it would be easier, for the time that your sick." "...I wear dem" "are you sure" she nodded, I told aria to go wait in her room, while I got the diapers. They were simple white diapers with rainbows on them. I also changed the sheets and put the old ones in the washing machine.
I walked to arias room, to see a aria laying on the middle of the floor. I walked over to her and stood over her. "Hi mommy" "whatcha doing doll." "Waiting for mommy." "Well now I'm here, so i need you to go lay down on your bed." She got up and walked over to her bed. "Alright doll hips up." I put the diaper under her hips. She put her hips down and I strapped the diaper. I let go of her and she began to wiggle around, she looked up at me and smiled. "Snug bubba" she simply smiled, "now I want you to take a nap, then we can try eating again." She made grabby hands, "bubba I need you to sleep," she looked at me confused, "lay down." She did as told, "close your eyes" she did that. I covered her with her blanket and gave her her stuffie and pacifier. I left the room, to have some me time, without a toddler. Not even 5 minutes later, I felt an extra weight on my bed. Aria climbed in my bed with nothing on but a diaper on and her paci in her mouth. "Bubba, i told you to take a nap" I sighed, she smiled. "Aria if you don't get your butt back into your bed in the next 10 seconds, your going in the corner. She smiled and clapped her hands, which was unlike her. Most of the time she would just take her nap, no question, and if I threatened her with corner time, she would do what ever I told her to. "Aria, baby" she looked up from playing with my shirt, and smiled while waving. I waved back, "hi baby, can you answer a question for mommy." She continued to stare, I'm taking it as a yes, "how old are you." She thought for a while, before laying down on my chest and going back to play with my shirt. "Baby can you talk." She didn't reply, well that was slightly helpful, it means she younger than she normally is, "You hungry" she nodded, "what do you want to eat." She didn't say anything. "Well you've got to help mommy" "can you eat solid food." She looked confused, taking it as a no. "Do you eat baby food" she made a slightly annoyed face, before pulling at my shirt around my boobs. "Do you only drink mommy's milk." She smiled, okay im assuming she around 7-11 months because she eats baby food, but also wants to nurse and she can move on her own. I took off my shirt, Aria immediately latched on.
While she was nursing she kept pulling on my other boob, I know she wasn't doing it on purpose, but it was beginning to hurt. I took her hand away, she looked at me, she looked like I just killed someone in front of her. "Sorry Baby,your hurting mommy" she looked away from and buried her face into my boob. I kissed her head and comb my finger through her hair. Aria continued to nurse for awhile longer. I hope she not this young for that long, considering we only have things for a toddler. We have very few bottles, we don't have a crib, and very limited diapers. She eventually fell asleep on my chest. I decided not to move her and just let her stay. I watched tv until she woke which was about 2 1/2 hours later. I was hoping she'd be big, when she woke but she wasn't. I was get time to me time without a toddler, but instead with a baby. When ever she's big again I'm gonna take her on a date. I picked her up and put her in her play pen. She looked really confused on what she was to do. So I decided to put her in her high chair while I cooked. I looked up at from cooking to see her with her entire foot in her mouth, considering I didn't put the tray back on. I ran over and took her foot out, she looked up at me and her lip started to quiver. Before she could cry completely, I picked her up and rocked her. She eventually calmed down, I moved her playpen into the kitchen door, so could watch me while I was cooking. I also gave her a paci, so she wouldn't put foot in her mouth again. I finished cooking, I put aria back in her high chair. I made spaghetti and put a small amount of food on a plate and gave it to her, I wanted to see if she would age up and feed herself or if I would have to feed her. I cut them up into small pieces, so she could eat them with her hands if she did. Which at first she tried to use her fork but eventually gave up and used her hands. By the end of the meal, she was covered in sauce. I picked up and took her upstairs to the bathroom. Put her in there, halfway through washing her, "mommy toys", "sure baby doll," I handed her a couple toys, "how old are you right now baby." "Umm 4" "okay doll." I took her out the bath and wraps her in a towel. "How do you feel baby." "Good" "Okay Mommy's gonna take your temperature" she only had a temperature of 99, so by morning it should be normal. "Do you want a pull up or diaper" "pully, mommy" "alright doll" we watched movies and cuddled the rest of the night.

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