Capter 3

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Amanda POV
"You will join the family business whether you like it or not!!!" My father yelled
"Like hell I will!! Just because you control jr doesn't mean you can control me!!!"
My father had enough and just slapped me across the face.
My mother then got up and threw a knife at his head.
"If you EVER hit my daughter again, I will kill you and burn the evidence, DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!"
He just stared at her, then at the knife. It had missed his head by a half and inch. My father then grabbed the knife and attacked my mother. I was frozen so I did the only thing I could think of, I screamed my fucking head off. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Dream end

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I woke up in a cold sweat screaming. "Amanda!? Are you ok?" I heard Steve yell through my front door. I quickly got out of bed and ran to the front door, I opened it to find Steve standing with a worried look on his face. "Steve, hey. Yea I'm fine, just had a bad dream." 'I really need to fix these walls, they shouldn't be this thin.'

"Do you want to stay home today? Cuz it's fine if you're not up to fishing today."
"No, no it's ok, I have dreams all the time."
Steve gave me a questionable look, as if silently saying he doesn't believe me. "Come in, let me get dressed then we'll go ok."
"Ok, but if you need someone to talk to I'm all ears."
I turned around and gave him a smile "thanks."

Steve's POV
The smile she gave me was almost heart melting. I mean I know we just met, but Amanda had a beautiful smile, one that could put the bad guys down.

Her neighborhood isn't bad either. She must've gotten a goon deal. 'I'm glad I remembered where she lived.'

As she was getting dressed I couldn't help but look around. Her house was filled with native Indian antiques, an old hope chest, pictures of whom I'm guessing is her family, and a big dream catcher with a wolf decorated in the middle.

I made my way over to the pictures of Amanda and two other girls. They all look to be about the same age. "The one to my right is Sierra, the one to my left is Alycia. We grew up together, my mother called us the terror trio." I raised an eyebrow at her.

I was taken back by the way she looked. Amanda was wearing cargo pants, a white tank top with a vest, and hiking boots. "You would terrorize others with your two friends?" "More like my brother and his friends, then they would pick on us." She smiled and said.
"One time it got to the point where I ended up in a tree upside down, doused in pink paint, I was in the shower for two hours getting that paint out of my hair."

"That bad huh? How is it that you guys didn't kill each other? If I had down that to my sister, she would have killed me."

I saw the gleam in her eyes as she talked about her brother and friends. "We were all best friends so it didn't matter that we pranked each other. We all knew it was just for fun. Plus I would sometimes prank Alycia and Sierra, then they would prank me."

"You ready to go?" She asked heading towards the door. "Yea, oh before I forget, remind me not to piss you off or start a prank war with you." Amanda just laughed as she set the alarm. "Noted but if it does come to that point I'll make sure to go easy with the pranks."

Amanda winked at me as she followed me out the front door, making sure it was locked, then walked ahead of me out to my truck swaying her hips a bit. I couldn't help but check her out. 'Control Steven, remember she can take you down with a roundhouse kick and possibly break something.'
I made my way to the drivers side and got in. "A friend of mine is letting me barrow his uncles boat, hope you don't mind." The smile she gave me was one of excitement.

"I haven't been on a boat since I was 14!" The way Amanda talked about certain things and people was a site to see. One: she always has a spark in her eye. Two: she doesn't take shit from no one. And three: she looks hot in cargo pants.

Cliffhanger 👽👽👽👽👽😼😼😼😼😼

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