Chapter 12

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Amanda's POV
It's been two hours since Steve started the investigation, and it turns out Catherine didn't set my house on fire. She was at a bar on Kalakaua Avenue for two hours, before stumbling in on my burning house.

Catherine being the bitch she is decided to smile and take a video of my house. Grace, Danny's daughter, happened to find the video on Facebook, and honestly I'd prefer she didn't. A few reasons why.
First: I don't like telling strangers about my life.
Second: my father could find out and come after me.
Third: Steve was seen in the video.
Fourth: my brothers could come after Steve and our Ohana.
(Warning very little mention of suicide)

I don't want anything to happen to them. Steve and everyone helped me when I was at the end of my rope. Kono has listen to me rant about my brothers, whenever I miss the innocent times. Chin takes me fishing when I feel like I'm being smothered by the kids. Danny and grace help me out at work. Lou and his family invite me over to teach their children some defense moves. And Steve he's my rock. He kept me from committing suicide one day, when I couldn't let go of the past. Steve had to hold me down and sing my favorite song 'keep on trying' by poco to calm me down.

I try and try not to let the past get to me. But with what happened to my house I can't help thinking this has something to do with my father.

I'm so lost in thought that I didn't hear the front door open. When I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder I quickly grab the wrist then look up. It was Steve. He had a sad look on his face. "Please tell me you saved the cedar chest, the picture frames, and at least most of the albums." He came around the chair and kneeled in front of me. "We managed to save the cedar chest, the pictures and all of the photo albums."

"I'm sensing a but." I can tell something is wrong, I can see it in his eyes, and hear it in his voice.

"There was a body found in your bedroom, he was murdered. Amanda we did a DNA test, it was your father." He looked down then back at me.

For some reason I started to cry. "I d-don't know why I'm c-crying o-over him. H-he made m-my life a living h-hell." Steve leaned up a bit and hugged me. "He May have made your life hell. But that doesn't mean a little part of you didn't love him." He's right some part of me still loved my father, even after what he did to me.

Hearing Steve say that made me breakdown and let go. 'I can't keep holding things in. If I do, it's going to ruin what I have, and I can't bare to lose another family.'

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