Chapter 6

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I'm going to skip ahead to 1 year later when Catherine comes back.

Amanda's POV
It's been a year since Steve and I started dating. Being with him has been the happiest time of my life. He's sweet, protective, a little controlling, but that doesn't bother me much. It's only when I'm baking that I tell him to back off.

About two months into our relationship one of the bikers decided to cop up a feel at the bar and tried to rape me. Luckily Steve was there that night and arrested the guy. The next morning I quit that job, but I still make mixed drinks for everyone on special occasions.

It's evening time right now and I'm in the kitchen baking cookies. I work at the orphanage now and thought it would be nice to bring them something sweet. Steve came up behind me, put his hands on my hips, and looked at what I'm doing. "Hmmmm, I didn't think you could bake so much cookies in one hour."

I smiled at the comment thinking about the first thing he said to me when we first met. "Even though we've been dating for a year there are some things you still don't know about me." I say with a smirk.

"Are you challenging me to find out everything about you?" I love challenging him it's so fun to see his competitive side. I stop what I'm doing and turn around. "Maybe I am maybe I'm not." Just then we here the front door open. "Steve are you there?" I look up at him then look back at the kitchen opening.

There stood a woman about an inch shorter than me. "Catherine what are you doing here?" Steve asked. She did bother answering him and kept staring at me, giving me the evil eye. "I was hoping to come back to see you alone. But I see that you're with someone." She said with attitude in her voice. I couldn't hold my tongue anymore, "wait, sorry Steve but can I ask you something?" Catherine just nodded her head. "You left Steve to work in the Middle East, then told him to move on, and when he does you expect him to just wait for you? That makes absolutely no sense what so ever." Catherine just gave me the most dirtiest look she could muster. Steve took a step back not wanting to get in the middle of this.

"Honestly yes, because I still love him and I was hoping to come here and be with him." I turned the oven off and frowned at her. Steve decided to step back in and say something. "Hold on That's what you expected me to do?" His nostrils were starting to flare up and I can tell he was about to explode. I put my arm on his shoulder, silently telling him not to lose his cool. She nodded her head obviously not seeing anything wrong with her way of thinking.

"I think you should leave Catherine, and just stay away for a while." She had tears in her eyes and looked down at her feet, as if they were the most interesting thing right now. Even I was a bit surprised by what he said, I honestly thought he was going to start raising his voice.

"If that's what you want, but if things don't work out with you two." She said pointing between Steve and I. "You know where to find me." And with that Catherine left slamming the door on her way out. "I'll be out back ok. I just need to think right now." He leans down and gave me a long kiss. The kiss was filled with so much passion. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, I saw hurt and pain.

I may not know Catherine but I don't like her. She hurt Steve and that doesn't sit well with me. "Ok let me finish up here and I'll bring out a six pack. If you want I'll stay here for a few days ok." Even after a year together I still don't live with him. I have way too much stuff and I refuse to put any of it in storage. All of those antiques were given to me by my great grandparents. "Ok sweetheart, and yes I would love for you to stay here."

The girl everyone forgot (Steve Mcgarrett x OC)Where stories live. Discover now