extended summary.

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Andi Broughton was a legacy. Everyone understood that. Even if they did not quite understand why she could claim that title, she was definitely not a Rat. The only hint of recognition she got from the student body of King's Dominion Atelier of the Deadly Arts was from Simon Aster. 

Simon knew exactly who this girl was, he was probably the only one. The Preps would be happy to accept her into their ranks, but the atomic blonde was much more content in her own company.

Andi was taught by her mother to keep everyone at an arm's length, never allowing herself to trust or get close to anyone. She was friendly with other students unless they gave her reason not to be. But, when Master Lin brings her in on the mission to retrieve Marcus Lopez Arguello, her sweet but secretive facade begins to fade.

Marcus sees the act, the illusion she portrays. He makes it his own mission to crack her porcelain exterior and reveal the real girl underneath. Even if it kills him. And with his new peers, it just might.


Trying something a little different with this story. The chapters are a half, if not a third, of the size I usually write them but I'm hoping that it may a little more manageable for me.

However, I really like this show and the dark humor/drama of it all. It just appeals to my personality... I don't necessarily know if that's a good thing. This story does take some inspiration from the movie Atomic Blonde, as well as with Andi being Lorraine's daughter. However, Lorraine will not be a carbon copy of herself from the film and I will be taking some creative liberties with her character.

I still plan on updating my other stories, but I just got all my materials back as I'm currently still moving some stuff to my new place after moving out of state. I do a lot of my planning and outlining in notebooks before typing them and, unfortunately, I forgot a lot of my notes at my other home.

Stick with my guys! Got a chapter for Prodigy coming and Games too. Possibly one for Kelda shortly behind that and then I'm gonna try and work on one for Bad Things. This will be my kinda in-between project with the shorter chapters. 

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