Second Book!!!!

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If you read the first book, congratulations because not many people read it all.

If you didn't, just look through it and learn about the mc.

If you're too lazy to do that, here's a summary:
- a tragic background story
- quirk: transforming into a pure black dragon (fun fact: my brother drew the dragon and yesterday I learnt it was Toothless from HTTYD)
- had a relationship with Shouto before
-they broke up for some reasons that you will learn in this book
- father is dead
-mother is...Well you'll learn that in this book too
- Accepted in UA through recommendations

Happy reading!

(The chapters coming soon.)
(I have exams coming up)
(U can Read the first book while I'm gone)
(Thank u)

Todoroki X Reader: Grey Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora