Chapter 7: In which Two Father figures come for help

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I transform instinctively, and wrap my wings around him, burying my head under my wings. "Huh?" He says, his arms up in a defensive position. I look outside.

And see Aizawa Sensei and All Might fighting off the black clothed guy.

Now I see that the guy is fairly tall with a set of arrows in his black sack, and a silver bow in his hands. Aizawa Sensei has him wrapped up pretty well with his scarf, and All Might is about to launch a strong punch on the man. As his fist meets his jaw, a bright grin appears on his face. All Mights fist goes through his face, his body suddenly getting transparent. "Surprised, my dudes?" He asks mockingly. All Might hesitates before launching another punch. It goes right through him. "Should be his quirk. Lovely." I say to myself. My wing throbs with pain. Todoroki touches my cold skin. "Let me out y/n." He says. I ajar my wings. He looks outside. Just then, the man punches All Might. He doesn't budge too much, but the mans grin is still as bright as the sun.

"Just wanted to ask you, my dear dragon, if you wanted to join my collection. See all these sparkly black leather on me? All of them are left behind my ancestors." He dodges another attack from All Might, and escapes the scarf easily by using his quirk. "This leather is your skin. I want it." Aizawa Sensei looks at the man, his hair and scarf floating. The man loses control for a second, but then his body turns into a glass like structure again. Aizawa Sensei's eyes dart around, his hair and scarf dropping back down. Todoroki steps with his left leg and the mans feet are frozen in a moment. Aizawa shoots a look at him but doesn't say anything. I jump in front of him protectively. "How cute." He says, dodging Aizawas kick. "You're like fre sh to his a vo ca do." He shoots an an arrow at him. I raise my wing and block it with my right. My wing drops on the dirt and I lose the feeling of it. I can't feel the pain, but I can't move it either. He shoots another one which Todoroki blocks with ice.

"You got enough of my poison, thot. It's going to spread through you, and there are no hospitals nearby. There's no way you're making out alive." He says. My whole world just drops on me as I realize I can't fly. I can't do anything. I ready a plasma ball. "Do not emerge." Aizawa says. I screech. I hate to say, but he's right. I'm dead. I hit the man with my plasma ball. He barely misses it, but drops down. He grunts in pain even though my attack hit the tree behind him through his chest. "Never seen that before..." he whispers. "Think You're like shaggy, don't ya. You retarded bitchy bitch ." I growl. I'm going to fucking kill this guy.

I drag my wing around until I get a good aim at him, and shoot again. He holds his chest with pain. "How...?" He asks. I shoot again. Aizawa and All Might Don't make a sound. I shoot again, and again. A billion times. The island is weirdly quiet as I shoot the man billions of times. He just won't fucking die.

I'm panting madly. I look back at Todoroki.

Not here. I slowly come to the realization of some voices. My vision fades and I open my eyes to a cold room in my human form, strapped to a bed. "What the-" I start, but I see the tall man standing in front of me. My eyes get used to the dim lightening, and I see Todoroki strapped on a chair. He struggles but the ropes are too tight. I'm tied up too, but with shackles that drag down my feet and pull up my arms. "You know, you could choose to be my bitch, or die here with him watching." I want to scream. I want to say something. Anything.

But nothing comes out of my mouth.

My wound is bleeding badly. The blood drips on the floor. He uses his quirk and moves through the wall to another room. We're left in silence.

I look at him. His legs at strapped together in a crossed position, the bottom of his feet touching. His hands are no different. I'm strapped with tight ropes around me, and shackles, also a noose around my throat.

A few knives and two guns lay on the metal tray that waits on the couch. One is a nice 9mm revolver and the other is a PM .09 Both are well cared for, with leather poaches laying next to them.

The tall guy comes in from the wall behind Todoroki. He has gloves on. Walking near, he grins widely. He takes a small knife from the tray, and hums a melody as he approaches. "We haven't met." He says. "But I don't actually care."

He lifts up my shirt. The cold metal rests against my lower abdomen, and he hums "Bury a friend" from Billie eilish. The knife cuts through my flesh and I bite my lip to not to scream. Todoroki tugs on his ropes furiously. "Stop it! Stop!" He bellows. I shake my head, tears streaming down my face. My ears ring and my vision fades.

What do you want from me,
Why don't you run from me,
What are you wondering,
What do you know?

His voice is soft, and I sail through the blackness of fainting and redness of pain. Bright red, bleeding pain.

Why aren't you scared of me,
Why do you care for me,
When we all fall asleep,
Where do we go?

Billions of cuts divide my blackness, and all I feel is the slicing knife through my flesh. On my abdomen, up my spine, some on my arms. Its silent except his humming, and I can't hear anything else than that.

Say it, spit it out, what it is exactly,
You're paying?
Is the amount cleaning you out?
Am I satisfactory?
I'm thinking about the things that are deadly,

His humming ends, and so does the new cuts. My vision clears a little bit, and I see a fist hitting the guy square in the face.

All Might.

Then, another figure enters the room and wraps him up, erasing his quirk. He squeezes his neck like a worm, not doesn't kill him just yet.


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