Chapter 12: my end

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I look at her and observe her face. She looks truly sorry.

"Okay." I mumble. She leaves as I stare at my feet.

Damn. It.

You are fucking dead.

I bite my lip not to kill them all right now.

I'll make sure they die slow, and in agony. I'll make sure they feel what they made him feel.

I jump on my feet and snap out of the room. I don't even know where I am going, but somehow I make my way outside.

I transform and fly high.

And hit the building about twelve times with the strongest shots I can create.

The building collapses, and I hear screams. I spot Kurogiri and shoot him first,so he can't warp them away. Then I shoot Toga and Dabi.

Night night, bitches.

Twice and some others jump around and attack me.

I'm riding the thin line of my sanity and they are not helping.

I lose control. I shoot wherever my mind tells me to shoot, and hit everyone around me.

They go down one by one and I lose all my humans feels. I'm...different.

I'm wild. I'm untamed, dangerous, full dragon.

I don't know what happens next. I don't know what I am doing, I lost my human self which was also my inner voice and thoughts.

Now I have instincts.

This is the end of me, and the start of one of the strongest villains in the whole damn world.

Shoutos POV.

I stare at the screen where a familiar black dragon disappears in the clouds. "We have never seen something like this before! The Elder Dragons Council was just got informed and are coming to get the young dragon!"


"Oh-wait...uh-huh...Okay, we just got information from the elders, they are telling everyone in the city to go underground or evacuate immediately. Apparently the villain is too strong for even them to calm down! Don't forget to get water and food with you if you choose to hide. Oh...hmm...The elders say the dragon is an S-tanked villain and that she will be executed once gage is captured. Stay safe."

My sister grabs my arm, and drags me to the basement. Toya is not here for some unknown reason, and mom is in the hospital. I can see my old man on the screen, trying to shoot her.

She blasts him off ground and his feet are swept under him.

She closed the door and grabs some water bottles and food even though we have plenty down there. We both hurry to the stairs as I try to process the information

Y/n told me about this before. She called it going full dragon or something. She said it was extremely dangerous.

Was this what she was talking about?

We close the trapdoors above us and turn on the lights. A big TV screen is mounted on the wall across a couch. I flip on the blue cushions and turn on the TV.

It shows her collapsing the tallest building in the city.

I don't have any memories on that specific building but I feel sorry for all the people in there. (Underlined bc FLASHBACK TO BOOK 1 WHERE HE TRIED TO JUMP OFF THE BUILDING.)

She then shoots in the crowd and it's her at least ten people die there. She turns at the camera and shoots a plasma ball

The TV goes dark, and then comes up again 

Now it shows All Might and my old man fighting her off. All Might is on her for a second, but she kind of twists in air and throws him on my old man.

She readies a plasma ball-
She shoots it-
All Might is too late-

The plasma ball misses by two metres or something. She shakes her head and I see the pupils of her golden yellow eyes get bigger for a second.

Then they snap back to the cat like, thin form.

She shoots again but this time they both dodge it. All Might points at her and says something to the flaming man, and then leaves.

He tries to burn her but she's much faster than she was before. She easily dodged them  all.

I bite my lip as a flame licks her wing.

Am I on her side? Isn't she destroying the city I want to protect?

She turns somewhere else, and just disappears. I think the camera is too slow to catch her movement or something.

She is lost.

Then I hear a great big but distinct"bang"  from above.

It's from where UA stands.

Now we are watching from another camera. She is inside the UA grounds, in Ground Beta.

I see Aizawa Sensei. He yells something and her eyes do that thing again. She shakes her head madly and then her eyes return to their line like shape.

I never payed that much attention to her eyes, but I'm pretty sure they are not supposed to be that thin.

She shoots down piles of concrete and a few shots at Aizawa which he dodges.

He jumps on her and she shakes him off, and then blasts him mid air.

Aizawa Sensei!!

Then we see him again on the rooftop. His scarf and hair are floating in the air but nothing happens.

He throws shurikens. Knives.

None of them even touch her slightly.

She blasts the whole building in pieces and flies away again. Aizawa Sensei is lost in the rubble.

The camera can still capture her. She's going towards the main building.

What is she aiming for?

I see the glass corridor between two parts of the main building fall down on the ground.

That's it. That's a million dollar damage.

Did I actually fall in love with this monster?

This villain?

The TV goes black again, but I'm not even hoping it will come on. I don't want to see her damn face, or watch her get cooked by my old man.

I don't want to do anything. I want to sit here and spend the rest of my life as a useless piece of garbage.


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