Chapter 2: In which they "Shoot him like the old sign"

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Todoroki's POV
I walk alone, my shoes rattling on the Stoned pad way. I walk quickly, towards the hospital. If I want to go to this trip, which I do, I'll have to get my mum to sign the sheets. It's a long shot. I'll have to let him know somehow, but if I tell him I'm going with her, he won't let me and perhaps beat me up one more time.

As I spot the hospital entrance two blocks away, I also see a broad shouldered man with flames covering his face and most of his body.

I throw myself behind a trash can and wait for him to pass the street.

Instead, he walks straight towards the trash can I'm hiding behind.

I pull up my black coat and cover my whole body with it, crumpling I de fit in the shadows of the street. He walks past me without noticing, and now I can see where he's going. To his car.

Which has lights that will expose me the moment he turns on the engine.

I take off in my feet and jump over the trash cans before he can even get in the car, and run towards the hospital.

My feet take me where I want to be. While my head is still at the street hiding, my physical body steps in my mums hospital room. She smiles gently at me as as I walk in. She's sitting on the bed with two knitting needles and a ball of yarn before her.

I bow respectfully and drop off my backpack. She keeps the smile on. I pull out the sheets and sit across the room.

"Hello, mother." I state. She nods, the smile is getting weird now that it's on her for the last few moments. "Hello, darling." She answers, her voice silvery. "What brings you here?" I hand her the sheets. "I have someone precious in my life. Father doesn't like the idea of me having a love interest in anyone. The school committee chose me and her together to go in the trip to United States." I explain. She nods with that eerie smile on her face. She goes through the papers quickly and sign it. "I'd like to meet her, Shouto." She hands me the papers back, her hands shaking. I smile gently at the vulnerable woman before me. "I think she'd be happy to meet you too." I answer, and tuck the papers in my backpack again. I bow her goodbye and she nods, so I close the door and leave the room.

Once the tea smelling room is out of sight, I sign off the paper at the reception, and leave the building. I run to my house at the end of the next street, holding on to my backpack.

As I step in the old Japanese style mansion, and take off my shoes, I see him waiting at the door.

A cold rush of fear thrills down my spine. I'm so weak, so vulnerable, so worthless against him. Only person I ever saw to stand against him was...her. But she's not here. He's going to hurt me worse this time. My wounds haven't even healed yet. I can't go to the beach with her if he beats me up again. Move Shouto. I drag my feet and step back. My socks touch the concrete. He clenches his jaw, and I can see the red aura getting stronger. I raise my forearms before my head as he blows flames at me. No one to save me. I'm on my own.

I raise a wall of ice as he hits me with a flame burst, and then quickly put up another one. I cover the sides of the house and run. Run as fast as I can towards her house.

I freeze the path that leads to the front door completely. This will buy me time.

I run. My feet are sore because of the friction under them, but who cares? I run faster. He could be anywhere. My backpack is still fortunately on, and I keep running nonstop.

I finally can see the building. It's the eleventh floor, flat number two. I enter from the front door which is never locked and push the elevator button violently. I hear the metal sounds coming down.

The elevator is near, but I'm nervous. What if he's already up there? What if he cuts off the elevator system?

But I have no choice. I can't walk up twenty two sets of stairs.

As I step in the metal cabin, and push the button with number eleven printed on it. The doors slide closed.

The cabin moves upwards and I hold on the metal rail anxiously. He could be anywhere. He could be hurting someone because of me.

He elevator makes a "ding" sound and stops moving. The doors slide open.

To reveal Y/n fighting my father.

I find myself jumping between them and putting up another ice wall to protect her. I can see several burn marks on her wings. He scowls furiously and yells: "You whore! You're not worthy of my son!" She growls and raises her wings over my head protectively. I can see through the burn marks.

He looks at me like he's expecting me to come to his side. He fires off another blast at her. I stop it with a mother brick of ice. "Hurt a single hair on her head, and your dead." I say. my voice even scares me. It's so cold and steady threatening someone with their life. Her wings wrap around me as he beats off multiple flames. She screeches in pain but her wings are like iron doors around me. I press harder with my left foot and make a think ice capsule around us.

She falls on her knees. He normal form has severe burn marks on her forearms and half of her shirt is burnt off, exposing her underwear on one side. she's panting and grunting.

"Y/n. Are you okay? I got you. I got your back. Shhh. Stop crying." I hug her as she sobs on my shoulder. "Shhh. I got you. You're okay. I'm okay. We're okay." I put her hand on the left side of my chest. "Feel my heartbeat?" She nods. "Okay. Now focus on that. As long as I breathe, no one can hurt you." She sobs another time. "I...failed to protect you..." she wobbles. I hug her closer. It's not her fault. Any of this.

This is it. I'm stirred up. "Sit here, Okay?" I order, pushing her down to sit. Her stern face comes back by the mention on the battle were in. "Well fuck me sideways. I'm not going to watch him fry you. My wings bad shape. But in the long run we can win only if we work together." Her voice is still a little bit wobbly, but not much. She steady now. She transforms. "Shoot him like the old sign, love." She says. Now nostalgia takes over everything, and everything we went through flashes before my eyes. I smile. She makes me do that a lot.

As I get on her back and we take off, and I break off the ice to escape the capsule, Keep her. I think. Once we get outside, I look around to see the flaming old man-

But he's not here anymore-
He left-
Or fled.

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