Chapter 9: holes through chests

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Once in the room, I noticed the scars on my body. It doesn't hurt at all, so I actually forgot that I got tortured mentally and physically yesterday.

So, being in the room, I sigh heavily and walk to the bed end table.

I grab both our phones and headphones. Then, I lay down on the bed -because I am tireeeed- and close my eyes for a bit.

I have to get my purse and the room card and-

A loud crash.

I jump on my feet and run to the window.

Where Todoroki lays just like the villain at my house did, a whole through his chest, and without even a glimmer of hope that he will come back to life.

The world stops around us, and I stare at the bright red blood on the marble floor outside the window. "Sho..." I whisper. His hands fall in a weird way at his sides, his legs shoulder wide apart on the blood puddle. His black shirt is soaked in blood as well as his black jeans.

I stare, stare and stare hoping he will do something, get up, smile at me and tell me it was all a joke.

I want to be imagining. I want to be delusional, want this to be just in my head.

Because I can bear that.

I can't bear losing him.

I bang on the glass. No one is outside. Only him.

"Shouto!" I yell. "Shouto!!" I punch the window harder. "" my eyes get blurry with tears and moments after I'm crying, my forehead on the glass.

"Sho..." I whisper again and again, like if I chant his name hard enough he will appear behind me and wrap me in his arms, like he will says something suggestive, or just crack a small smile.

I fall on my knees, and sob, my body shaking with every gasp. "Sho...Sho-chan..." I say between them.

The blood puddle turns a darker shade of red as I keep crying and crying.

Nothing is ever there. Just me and my tears.

I hear someone shouting. The sirens.

But they are too late. Sho is dead, and it's because they were too late.

Those goddy "pro heroes" were late to save the last person who cared about me.

Because you can't save everyone, right?


I close my eyes, hot tears leak between my eyelids.

"You could have just asked me if you didn't want to be able to walk for months."
"Open for me?"
"Fuck this, fuck that. I'll never let you go."
"Shoot him like the old sign, love."
"Todoroki refers to both of us, missy."
"Mornin' sunshine."
"Don't touch a hair on her head, dammit!"
"Don't leave my side."
"How do you do that? How do you fold a sweatshirt?"

I scream silently at his image. Whoever the fuck did this is going to pay.

Oh, they are so going to pay.

Shoutos POV

There she is.

Laying on the ground with a hole through her chest.

Blood all over her.

"Oh my, we've learnt to ask."
"I think not, mister. Next time I see a shirt burned, I'm dumping it in the garbage."
"I'm so sorry."

I'm frozen in time with tears streaming down my face silently. I gasp for air, but my lungs resist.

They want to stop like hers did.

I'm on my knees, my mouth wide open. I'm screaming silently.

"Pro heroes save the day!"

But not my y/n.

She died thinking only as cared about her, didn't she? She thought she was hated.

Half of my shirt is burned down. Flames cover my right side.

Sirens, shoutings, but all i hear is the ringing in my ears.

I failed to protect her. I had one job. One. Job.

And that was to protect her. Make her feel loved.

My shoulders flop forward and my head falls on my chest.


I would kill for her to live.

Who. Is. Responsible.

We're going to have a talk.

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