Chapter 3: In which an unlikely event happens to be real

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Back to your POV
As we land on the ground, I realize that my house is a mess again. Thanks to the high ceiling, I could fly and dodge the attacks, mostly, but it ruined the house. I find Todoroki looking around the same way I am. I transform and my broken leg forces me down on my knees again.

He looks at me. "I mean, if you really want to be unable to walk for months, you could just ask me." I smirk even though my ankle feels like someone just pulled it off. "Let me call the medics." He says, pulling out his phone. "Don't. How are we going to explain this?" I point at the big ice capsule with a hole through it, and the burn marks. "I can take care of my broken leg. You clean this up." He nods as I pull myself on my feet using the kitchen counter. As I put all my weight on my right foot, and shiver in pain, he starts melting off the ice. He raises is free hand towards me and makes a smaller and thinner ice wall that can only support my weight leading to the couch. I smile and hold the ice rail, making my way to the ultimate destination.

I'm halfway there when he picks me up easily and lays me down on the couch. "Just a closed fracture on your Tibia. Will heal in six weeks for humans, assuming you don't have any healing powers?" He raises a brow at me after those words. "Yeah. I do. I'm a frickin dragon." It will take a nights sleep for me to heal from a fracture. He pats my head. "Good. I'm assuming you're skipping  school tomorrow?"

I skip a moment to think. If I do, what do I lose? Only one day. Tomorrow we don't have any field trips or exams. I lose nothing. Also, ummm excuse me I broke my leg? "You know what? Yes. I'm not going to school tomorrow." He strokes my hair with his fingers. "Alright, then. I will be home by midday so I can hand in the forms." He kisses my forehead and pats my hair one last time, than gets up. "I guess I'll have to bring all the stuff back in." He leaves though the door, walking over the newly cleaned floor with burn marks under the carpets. I smile gently as he leaves.

The room is silent after he leaves. There's the low hum of elevator outside, and the low buzz of electric lights. I can hear my breathing, but I'm dreaming about the moment there in the capsule, where I was sure of everything that went on between us. It was an allegiance, concern about each other, care, fear of losing a loved one, and by itself.

I remember his heartbeat under my fingers and how it calmed me down and let me act again. At the time with the adrenaline rush, I was able to protect him. I was. I could protect him. I was strong enough.

The silly smile sets on my face again, and I feel a warm feeling of pride in my stomach. He's back to me.

Just as I think that, he bolts in the house panting. He locks it and puts another huge backpack on the kitchen counter. "You aren't going to believe this." He says, eyes wide open. He shows me a photo of Endeavour smiling heroically with a text below it On his phone

"The second best hero saves the day! Endeavour was caught on streets after heroically defeating the villain. 'The key is to know your opponent and choose your attacks carefully.' Says the flame hero." Reads the text. It was live a few minutes ago.

"But he was here? With us?" I ask, perplexed. Is the media lying? What the hell is going on?

"No matter how violent he is, I know my father. He was acting differently, always home early, always at home when he's supposed to be at his agency. I knew something was up." He scrolls down and finds the other article he wants to show me.

There's a photo of a pretty girl with ash blonde hair pinned up in two buns. She has a scary smile on her face, but otherwise she looks like your unfriendly neighbourhood popular girl.

"A ranked villain strikes again! Call the hero hotline if you see this girl! Last seen in Musutafu city."

I know this girl. It's toga from the league of villains. Her quirk is to transform into people if she tastes their blood. I think. But getting Endeavours blood? Hm.

"You're saying...that we fought her and not Endeavour?" I ask him. He shrugs. "Possible." It is possible. "Did he visit the hospital lately? Do we know if there were any attacks on the hospital?" He scowls before answering. "Yeah. There was one last week." I nod, thinking. "When was the last time they saw her in the city?" He checks his phone. "This warning was published last week, too. Care to explain what you're thinking?" I clear my voice.

"Toga's quirk is to transform into anybody if she tastes her blood. If there was an attack on the hospital, they could steal blood samples form endeavour. That would explain his weird behaviour- and the crooked timeline." He joins me at the end of the sentence. Now, who's blood samples does she have?

We sit on the couch, my leg on the coffee table in bandages and ice. "When was the last time you got your blood tested?" I ask, actually scared of the answer. "Last year for the UA entrance exam." I nod. That's when I got mine too. If everyone who were in the exam got their blood tested on the same day-

She would just have to go to that day section-
And she'd have every single persons blood  who are right now in the academy.

"Shouto." I say. "Shouto, we all took the blood test on the same day. Dammit, she has every single person blood. Dammit!" He leans back on the couch and stared at me, his jaw drops. "I don't understand...why?" He asks. "Why would she do that?" I look away. That's the question we should ask.

"Let's day she does have everyone's blood. Then what happens?"
"She could sneak in the camp."
"So what? We're going in duos."
"True, but what if she is missioned to assassinate one person?"
"Who do you think they would be?"
He shakes his head.
"I saw you fight him. Or her. If she was going to try and kill you..."

I put my hands on my sides and sigh furiously. My body is still healing. And the problems at a Side, we still have to pack up.

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