Full Term

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38 weeks

 "At 38 weeks pregnant, baby's probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, which means he is bumping into all kinds of nerves down there—including some super-sensitive ones you might not know you had. While you're dealing with that new discomfort, be on the lookout for signs of labor at weeks 38 of pregnancy, including contractions that come on stronger, at more regular intervals, and of course, the "bloody show." The big event could happen any day now—or it might not be for a few weeks. Until then, try to chill. Baby is as big as a winter melon, and is about 19.6 inches long and his head is about the same circumference as the abdomen. Average baby weight at 38 weeks is 6.8 pounds. Sounds a lot like a birth weight, huh?38 weeks pregnant is eight months and about two weeks. You're about to head down the home stretch of pregnancy."   Kaycee read yet again. Every update was longer and more detailed than the one before. She felt overwhelmed and anxious, which she had read was another normal symptom at this point in pregnancy.

Her baby was considered full term by now, which meant he could come at any given time. She was still terrified of labor, especially contractions, since she could barely handle braxton hicks when they were too close together. She knew, however, that the day she would have to deliver her son would come sooner or later, and she was pretty sure it would be soon.


Kaycee had spent about an hour shopping for stuff she would need for the baby's nursery. They wouldn't need it right after he was born, since Sean and her had decided to move out to their own place in a couple months.

Once she was done, she had decided she would spend some time talking and interracting with her unborn baby like she had done a few times in the past before.


"Hi, buddy," she said as she rubbed her belly with both of her hands, "how ya doing in there?" She laughed as she asked.

"Can you believe I'll be holding you in my arms in a few weeks or maybe even days?"

The baby kicked, almost like it was a response to his mother's question.

Kaycee giggled to herself.

"I can't wait to kiss your perfect little face, and have you in my arms to cuddle with you. I love you so so so so so much. I'm scared of what will happen in the few hours before you arrive, but I know that the joy of having you here with me, and your dad by my side, will overcome any fear that I have." She sniffed and soon moved a hand up to her face to wipe a few of the tears that had fallen.

"I think you've noticed by now that mommy cries a lot, huh?" She managed to laugh as she cried.

"Just know that these are not sad tears, they're happy tears because I'm so overjoyed with the idea of you."

Kaycee fell asleep soon after her small conversation with her baby, it was
getting dark after all, her exhaustion creeping up on her, even if it was just 9pm.

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