I've Just Seen A Face-1

326 7 3

 I've Just Seen a Face - 32458 words,  23  chapters.

Early work- 'Learner' plates attached.

IJSAFace is from Kassandras view. Georges childhood friend that re- enters his life and is dragged along to India.

Love interest- Mainly John but a couple of small George 'moments'.


Beach Holidays

When I was 9 my parents said we were going on a magical holiday. Any holiday in those days would be magical as this was not a yearly, bi-annual or even tri yearly event. I couldn't even remember if I had been on holiday ever before....

We lived in a large town in northern England, being post World War 2 the city was as depressed as the clouds that usually hung over it. Being an important port city the enemy had dropped many, many bombs on the town trying to shut the port and it's industrial hub.

My names Kasey not my birth name but the name I have loved and used since I can't remember when.

Kasandra Nicola Jennikins.

I live with my sister Emily who is 5 and my mum and dad Harold and Eliza.

"Now girls you must behave when we go to the holiday house, we are sharing it with another family so no banging, jumping or screaming, especially no screaming Emily!" my mother drilled into us as we motored towards the seaside town where the house was located.

"Is there any girls to play with mother?" I asked quietly, Emily was ok but she was still just a baby.

"Yes they have a girl called Louise, though she is older than you luv" Mum glanced around in her seat and smiled "They also have three boys, two older and one younger than you!"

I hoped Louise was someone I could hang around with, if not I would have to make my own fun.

As we travelled the narrow lanes getting ever closer to the village we would be staying at I noticed the green fields bound by stone-pitched fences which were many hundreds of years old perhaps. Herds of sheep grazed with tiny lambs close to their mothers. I pointed them out to Emily as she was now awake and becoming grumpy.

"Not long to go, pets!" Daddy chirped from the driver's seat glancing in the mirror at me begging me, I guess, to keep my grizzly sister amused.


5 days down 2 weeks to go; a massive time to enjoy the endless beach and dip toes in the water but being off season there were not many other children around and unfortunately Louise was more into books and boys.

The books she read were very big and sometimes I think she was only pretending to read as I would see her eyes dart up if a boy went past. A few crouched down on the sand and chatted with her and that would be my hint to shove off if I happened to be reading anywhere nearby.

Her brothers where unbelievably pains in the bum; the older two would come in at all hours from going to a dance in the village. And the runt one was called George, he was 7 and would often sneak off after his big brothers if his parents weren't quick to pin him down.
If he couldn't go out he would ignore them and usually annoy me, hitting a ball against the house near my head or poking tongues at me behind my mother's back.

"I saw that!" I got up quickly to chase him down the back garden, he was so fast and gangly I never had a hope.

"Bet ya can't catch me" He was behind me now on the other side of the fence where he had to jump up and down for me to see him.

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