I've Just Seen a Face-13

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Resetting the system

As the weeks progressed the group settled into a comfortable existence, meditation, relaxation, freeing the mind; there was abundance of spare time. The boys would often settle in to write lyrics or play their guitars, singalongs were a regular event in the evenings. Couples got closer bonding in the remoteness of it all. No phones, cars, jobs or money problems interfered.

After my bumpy first week, I was pretty much free of the tight grip of alcohol. Sure, I would get pangs for it especially of an evening when the group quietly and secretly imbibed, against Maharishi's orders. Feigning tiredness I would slink off to bed early mostly unnoticed to keep a distance from the brew.

"Kassandra welcome, sit please" Maharishi swept his arm in front of him indicating for me to sit on the rug at his feet.

"Thank-you" I bent my head down and my hands which were in a prayer position.

"Kassandra, I have seen that you have had problems. You must release your fears and embrace the force of nature and the light. Meditation can free your mind to great heights if you allow the door to open" He murmured "Your mind is confused with day-to-day stresses so I would like you to try and do twenty minutes meditation in the morning and then another twenty minutes in the evening. Please, if you have any difficulties come to me, my door is always open."

Thank-you Mararisha. May I ask a question of you?" He nodded his head slowly, peering into my eyes. I was just asking an inane question but he was waiting for me to ask about the universe. "I have seen the woman and children of the village at the tributary of the river. Is it improper to visit them, perhaps I could assist in some of their activities?"

"Of course! This will help your path to your inner light, helping others opens the heart and soul" He smiled and leaned in for a very, very tight lingering hug which I thought a little strange at the time.


"Ok so we are all set, I'll go for my run then meet you at the pool for a cool down swim, then down to the village" I smiled at the group in front of me feeling pretty happy with what was going to happen. We had been listless and bored when the men had gone off singing and composing most days, so I had proposed a solution.

"Kas, why do you call it a 'cool down swim' when you are dashing madly up and down then making us do all that jumping about with you too!" Jenny pointed out my swim routine was a little too much which was a tad true after the run I would swim laps 'til I hurt, a good hurt, then walk through the water, tread water and whatever else I wanted. It wasn't my fault they all followed in the aqua exercises!

"I do not make you 'jump around' you all follow suit! It's good for you" We had a bit of a laugh Jenny was only joking around and was actually now leading the group when we pool-er-sized.

"Hellllooo back to the point here! Are you absolutely sure this will be ok? What if the women there are horrid to us" Jane was unsure which was understandable.

"No this is going to be great I can feel it. Meeting the little children in their own environment, helping the mothers. I'm excited!" Pattie fizzed with excitement and we all smiled at her.

"I'll be back in 20" I turned away and headed out. Since I had been straight in the head I decided to get back into shape, I had been lazy and idle for far too long. A few kilometres of running using the walking tracks to the river made me feel alive and hopeful for a better outlook for myself....

********Later That Day.******

"That was fantastic" Jane flopped onto the old sunlounge by the pool. The sun was moving lower in the sky painting the horizon with a multitude of vibrant colours. Pink and peaches mixed in with purple and the orange of the sun.

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