I've Just Seen a Face- 4

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Life Skills '63

When I was 22 I thought I was happy. I wasn't in Liverpool anymore, I had married the captain of the soccer (football) team and I was one of the 3 team sports med personal for the club London United.

George was, it seemed, on top of the world, invited into nearly everyone in England's living rooms, through radio and telly appearances. His bandmates and him, on the cusp of global superstardom.

Although we didn't get to see each other much we tried to call or write when we could.

"I'm getting married"

You're what- married?. Who or what hahaha. When Where and the most important- Why! You're only what 21 not a spinster ... yet" George spoke flatly down the phone from his current location of Liverpool, a concert was being performed in our hometown so of course he got the opportunity to catch up with his Ma and Dad who reminded him to call me. "And what's this news I hear. You're in London and not one bloody visit, crummy pal you are" He pouted down the phone.

"I've been busy"

"Yea shagging half of London FC by the sounds of it"

"Jealous" I'm pouting now happily, this is us cheeky and cheap shots rain down the phone lines.

"I'm not into boys you know that"

"Ok, Ok! I know you have got to go and make all the girlies swoon so here are the details- ready? I'm 22 not 21 you're the baby remember" George grumbles something inaudible "His name is Terry Bohill"

"Sounds like a slacker"

"If you're not going to behave I shall hang up" He laughs and I continue "He is captain of London FC"


"GEORGE you are incorrigible! Next month, London FC grounds and why- I love him and him me. Do you think you can come?" I hang onto the receiver hoping he can come but knowing the manager is having them traipse all over England again and again.

"I'll have to see Brian. I'll try doll. I will, promise. Can't miss a party can I!"

4th November 1963

"Prince of Wales Theatre, Please" I tell the driver.

"Never get close love. Police and looney girls everywhere down there" The cab driver leans round looking at me. I'm dressed to the nines, Scarlet dress a white stole and dangle earrings. "You got a ticket to it then?" He lifts an eyebrow as he asks the question.


"Right well let's get this princess to the ball!" The cab takes off down the street swinging round slower cars, stopping at the many stop lights " Let's get some green lights for the miss" He tapes the wheel waiting for the traffic light to change then we are off again.

"What's your name, sir"


"I'm Kasey, any kids?"

"Yes a girl probably down there in that there crush" He points and slams on the brakes " Right, luv I'm going to sneak down this lane and it will be at the back of the theatre but its closer than where we are stuck presently!"

"Well here is the money now and thank you very much for getting me down here I really appreciate your services"

We pull up behind the theatre and a couple of bobby's wander past peering at me but upon seeing the dress they realise I am supposed to be in the area. I get out and make sure I get Harry's cab number. Maybe I can get him an autograph for his 'looney' daughter.

As I walk around towards the front of the building the hysteria and screams reach a crescendo my ears ring from the high-pitched fans.

"Royal Variety Performance" the sign overhead twinkles. Police are everywhere and I clutch my purse close, the ticket inside I don't want it to leap out and get lost. I pass a few more bobbies at the edge of the crowd. I somehow have managed to get myself down a laneway of sorts moving towards the huge imposing theatre doors.

I must wait. I think the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret were just ushered in I heard a hum of sound different to the screams. And now the noise has risen back up, topping the sound from before I am close to the edge of the main carpet I can see the 'important' VIP's passing straight in. I will need to wait til they move along then the usher will hopefully see me and take my ticket invitation.

Flashbulbs pop, the light is so bright like lightning, the crowd surges forward, a human wave, bobbies run from the side to hold them back. Screams and chants of Paul, John, Ringo and George fill the air, they're here. I'm shoved close to the red royal rope draped down the side of the carpet, I see each lad turning and waving, beaming smiles and laughter. George is there, third to leave the car, grabbing Ringo for a group photo then walking in with hands in pocket. He pauses and looks around, does a doubletake back towards me and smiles, I think he sees me, then he's gone. The fans moan and relax the bedlam thry had created. The barriers held this time what if they didn't I couldn't bear to think what would happen.

I find my seat which is with Georges mum and dad, they gave me the ticket after Louise couldn't go.

"Oh, look at Kasey luv doesn't she look beautiful" Mrs H smiled at me taking in the flowing scarlet gown.

"Thanks Mrs H, these are wonderful seats front and centre!"

"Yes see there is Pauls dad and John's Aunt Mimi just in front." She points to an older version of Paul, I haven't met either before.

"How are you darling, married life wonderful?" Mrs H is a lovely lady, homely and gives you an instant feeling of love.

"Aw yes been some bumps but.."

"Yes, yes dear all marriages have bumps"

The lights flickered and turned down the performances were about to begin. Comedians, singers and dancers performed making people laugh and clap. But I missed most of the performance the dark providing a place to shed silent tears wishing I could talk to George he was so close but so far far away. I brightened towards the end feeling the room tense in anticipation for the band of the century. They did not disappoint!

John delivered the line of the night though "For our last number, I'd like to ask your help. Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And for the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewellery..."

We did not get to see them afterwards; they were gone in a blink of an eye..

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