I've Just Seen a Face-20

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Abbey Road

"Hi Georgie, Paul, Richard!" I walked in hugging the lads they all stood making tea.

"Oh the lurvee birds have finally landed" Paul heckled and I smacked his arm.

"Shut up and tell me why my love life has been held up, Macca. Why are we here" John groaned, Paul was the whip to the music making.

"Well before you two start having a barny I'm off, I promised to go see Pattie and Maureen at the café. Kiss?" I was asking John but Ringo got in first planting a sloppy one on my jaw, making John push him out of the way.

"Now be a good lass, don't listen to Patties nonsense" John laughed at Georges downcast expression.

"He's kidding Georgie, I never listen to anybody. You know that!"


"There she is, you took forever!" Pattie stood up and pulled me over to the table Maureen smiling, baby Zak chomping on a biscuit. "Show me your hands"


"Your hands!"

I held my hands up and she checked the ring finger "really a few months and you think we are getting married"

"You love him."

"Well yeah I think so"

"Think. No. NO! that is unacceptable! You are perfect, you two just 'fit' "Pattie clapped her hands together and giggled.

"Another topic Maureen PLEASE!" I begged Maureen and took Zak from her lap, I was going to ignore Pattie.

After lunch we strolled the shops and Pattie somehow had so many bags I was forced to carry some too "You're mad. Why do you need all this stuff"

"Change of seasons for one thing. You get something!"

"No money"


No MONEY. I'm not bludging off John or George. That's one of the reasons I will probably stay in London when John goes back to Surrey"

Pattie came to a dead stop and people had to push past us to continue their journey "That's stupid"

"It's life. I can't get a job in Surrey, I will need to stay here. With you for a while."

"So you'll bludge off George not John"

"Pattie!!" I made a face, then conceded grimly "Just til I get a job and a flat"

"But John"

"But nothing. We are just having a good time, don't read anything else into it. He hasn't..."

"Promised you the world?"

"Just leave it Pattie. Let's get back we need to go to that dinner tonight"


Dinner was a three course meal of soup, chicken and a creamy dessert. I ate a little and still felt sick from Patties words. Was I foolish should I just jump in both feet, no parachute. I looked at George, sure enough Pattie was had been in his ear and he had caught me on the way to the loo.

"You're doing the right thing. Take it slowly"

"Now I am sure I don't know what to do, George! I know you dislike this thing between John and I"

"I don't dislike I am just being cautious for you. You can live at mine as long as you want."

"I don't want to live at yours. I just, Look don't worry I'll sort meself out"

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