I've Just Seen a Face-7

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Moving Right Along

George left to conquer America. It would have been awesome to go with him but it was just logistically idiotic.

I got a job, not my first love but it paid and I could get myself into a flat. Typing, yep a big typing pool of 20 girls of all walks of life. A couple were very nice and we chatted at lunch break and had a few drinks on a Friday night.

I had marked on the calendar the date George touched down in Britain again. Deciding I should go round and make sure the place was tidy, make sure the fridge was stacked full of his favourite foods.

I made a quick detour to the lolly counter and grabbed six big bags of jelly babies as I had heard they were pelted heavily with them on the tour, I'm such a caring friend.

Right all the food is in the fridge the windows are all opened to air the place out and the curry is on the stove. I flopped onto the couch for a few minutes, putting my socked feet on the coffee table just like George did. Closing my eyes I relaxed in the silence.

"Bloody hell girl you frighten the hair off me 'ead" George had screamed then stood holding his heart that was beating furiously in his chest. I woke with a start at his scream and the light blinding me.

"Did you have a sex change while over there. Sounded like a sissy girl, you did!!" I wipe my mouth hoping I hadn't dribbled in my sleep. George frowned then smiled broadly.

"Did ya miss me. The hero has returned, conquered that whole bloody country we did!" He was pacing around checking this and that, then sniffing the air.

"Gee you are perky after that big flight! And-" George held a finger up to silence me, he smelt food and there was no interrupting him and food, he vanished!

I scrambled up and checked the clock it was 9pm I had slept from 5.30, I fled high tailing it into the kitchen.

I found George loading the plate I had placed beside the stove with the curry and rice from the pots on the stove. Jumping up on the counter on the other side him I grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"Smells.....and, hold on....., and tastes fantastic, thank-you. Kas you're a doll" George sat down at the table, a spoonful of the meal already swallowed, as I hopped down to join him. A big bushy George eyebrow shot up "Not eating??"

"Nah I will get sick eating this late in the evening"


George finished and leant back patting his now full stomach. I was up putting the leftovers in the fridge for him. He hopped up, washed his plate and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I've got to go George. Work in the morning"

"But you haven't told me 'bout your flat or job or any possible new girlfriends for me!" George grins widely, you know the one that makes all the girls swoon.

"I'll come by another day? When do you think?"

"Ummm studio from Monday I'm free 'til then!" He counts the days off on his fingers holding the wrong amount up.

"Right, up to see your ma and pa young man for a couple of days then I see you Saturday? What do you think?" He is holding the fridge open smelling this or opening that. He hasn't spotted the hug bowl of Jelly babies yet, I smiled, I will let him discover them in his own time.

"Yes I should..... Saturday breakfast my turn to cook" An apple is stuck in his gob in his teeth not biting not moving it at all.

"Child. See ya" I'm gone out the door to my little motor that I got on hire purchase just yesterday.

"See ya!!!" Georges face is lit up in my headlights and he has to cover his eyes, the door closes as I drive off.

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