I've Just Seen a Face- 23 End

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Party Time

Dressing in Maureen's guest room was fun. Pattie and I laughing with silliness and fun, she smirked at how I was at the studio today. She was almost ready when I joined her.

"You will be beating Georgie at his own game soon. He will be dead set peeved" Pattie giggling words overflowing and effervescent, I pushed her softly and she screamed, eyeliner dragging over her eye; She had been laughing at the thought but me wrecking her eye makeup was scream-worthy.

George burst in the room, Paul on his heels, not knowing why Pattie screamed, thinking instead she was in peril, a danger lurking in the bathroom no doubt.

"George!!!! Paul !!! get out" I screamed and threw pillows, my bra and knickers the only saving grace that I wasn't entirely naked under their addled but lingering gaze. I admit throwing the pillows was a tad silly but I was in emergency mode and too late to recant the act.

"So, nothing's wrong, we heard screaming" Paul smiled sweetly, straightening his tie, assessing the room for demons and imagined dragons, all while assessing the two girls in the room, his steady gaze warm and thrilling, he nodded slightly, I guess we pass muster.

John joined in the squish that was the doorway from behind, suddenly seeing my rosy red cheeks flaming and embarrassed under Pauls smooth gaze. John pushed and shoved Paul but to no avail, I grabbed Patties handbag and held it over my panty line, the other hand sufficient to handle covering my top half.

"Paul close your damn eyes. For goodness sake, you look like you have never seen two semi naked girls before" Pattie smirked in the dressing room mirror "Georgie I could say the same for you"

"Nothing I haven't seen before" George grinned wickedly and I opened and closed my mouth numerous times. Pattie oh so slowly swivelled towards me. Paul stood smirking, intrigued, with one eyebrow raised and definitely not moving from his position. John's eyes wide and questioning and me- can my heated glow of red get any worse, oh yes it can, fiery lava would be an apt description presently.

"Pray tell, Kassandra" Pattie graciously hadn't bopped me with her hairbrush- yet.

I still wasn't able to form audible speech and decided the best course of action was to stare angrily at Mister Big Mouth Harrison hoping he got my thoughts of disembowelment into his dumb head. Paul, swept his eyes over us all and watched me again smiling at my predicament like he was watching the cliff-hanger episode of Coronation Street.

"Oh do tell George.... Kassandra. I'm sure it's all up a very entertaining story" Paul posed the question and I fell on the floor. It wasn't as if we had done anything bad it might be construed that way though.

"Yes George, please tell us why you would say such a thing" Pattie was a little irked and the longer it took for us to respond was making it all the worse.

"I lived with George for a while you all know that" I sought out Pattie's eyes for understanding "I" I stuttered through "George. We. I. George would crash into my room early on Sundays and we would read the paper" Oh good God that sounds so bad with my stuttered response!

George laughed.

George was a little nervous.

"All innocent of course. John you know what I wear to bed..."I smiled, apology in my eyes, then caught the look of horror that he took from my words "NO NO NO!! I wear stuff not naked, not naked, John I only do that with you. Not George.... George help!!!"

"tis ok. Gawd you lot with your dirty little minds, should be utterly ashamed!" George smiled at me "Kass was covered, just sometimes it would be bra and undies. We weren't intimate at all, oh God no way-yuck!"

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