I've Just Seen a Face- 3

150 7 6

First Kiss 1960

Finally he was back, the authorities found out his age and kicked him back to England the rest of the band following. In the days between his return and theirs we caught up with everything from the band to my adventures.

"My birthday next week ya know"

"course I know have a present all ready for you" I pushed him in the arm, he was now taller than me so I had to look up to him. He thought It a great joke, prompting his usually tirade of teasing though I didn't actually run after him anymore!

"I was wondering" George stopped and turned towards me, we had been heading towards the park but a detour to his favourite bakery was first. "I need a favour. A biggish favour"

"You know I will do almost anything for you, we're mates right!?"

"Yea this just..... Arr forget it it's  terribly stupid" George swung round to continue onto to the bakery but I caught his arm and made him stop.

"What!? Just ask if I don't like it I will tell ya"

George looked over my face, I started to get a little worried at the eyeballing. His words tumbled out quickly and I could hardly catch them "IWANTYOUTOKISSMEINFRONTOFTHELADSTHENIGHTOFMYBIRTHDAY"

"You want WHAT!?!" He went to say it all again "Stop I heard it!" we had reached the bakery and the table outside was free so I dropped into the chair and stared at the cars passing in the street. George hurried into the bakery, he had missed the cakes they sold here.

"Here have a coke-a-cola. Stop frowning Kas.....I didn't ask you to chop a leg off you know" George sat opposite me staring at the white bag then sneaking a peek smelling the cream buns he had purchased and given them a dreamy look like they were a lost lover. I still hadn't moved my gaze and he thumped the table. "wake up!"

"Sorry" I truly was. His request was out of left field. I didn't have a boyfriend so no problems there. "You're having that much of an issue with them you want me to be your 'date' and kiss you?"

Nah. Not a date that's too weird"

"Thanks." I replied flatly.

"You know what I mean, you and me are mates. No maybe we could...." George hatched a plan and I agreed. Be a bit of fun on a dreary Liverpool night anyways.


"Happy Birthday Georgie Boi!!!!" Cheers rang out through the Cavern. The band had just played a set for a lively audience and I was watching from the far corner. They were fantastic- energized and wonderful they were going to be big.

I was starting to get nervous the crowd was still big, and kissing my best friend was akin to kissing a stranger – weird no weirder. I sat and sat, fidgeting with my navy blue dress, it was my only decent frock but it fit me well, flattering my curves. The cream lace that worked around the hemline and chest tickled when it moved on my skin.

'Now or never' I spoke my mantra over and over pushing gently through the slightly inebriated crowd of teens and young adults til I was just on the outer rim of the band. I sat behind the lads at a nearby table..... I sat and I sat. The drink I had was hot and yucky, but I clutched it like it was a life line. I finally had had enough, sat it down and stood to leave. Then sat again. George, I must wait for George.

"Hey how-abouts we find you a girlie, Georgie. A proper birthday present hey!" John and Paul were teasing him mercilessly I could see why he wanted them off his back even for a few days.

"Oh excuse me lads I see someone I know" George smiled his most enduring smile, those fangs of his were cute even if he was me mate.

"Is it a bird mate?" Ringo sidled up to him and punched his shoulder.

"Missy, is that you?? you said you couldn't make it! What a surprise" George pushed past John and Paul to close in on me; me that was half asleep and our plan forgotten.

Bugger! I was staring blindly into space til George popped up beside me, I had forgotten my undercover code name! I pushed up off the stool quickly and awkwardly wound my arms around my friend's neck. Gazing into his dark brown eyes, I need to concentrate on looking sultry which for me is foreign. I'm more like a diesel mechanic than a top high-end model!

Clinging to George he puts his head in the crock of my neck I feel him kiss then he whispers "Are they looking over?" I bat my eyelids open and check out the band.

"Oh yeah I think that's John with 'is chin on the floor" George liked what I said so he lifted me high and brought me back down into his embrace then the kiss was planted but not a peck like I thought. It was a full on snog fest, I wanted to pull back but that would have spoiled the effects. So I went with his lips instead. Finally he stopped and took a breath. I think I was a little light headed at that point.

"Comin hun... Let's get out of this dump" George grabbed me round the waist and as we walked past the flabbergasted bandmates. He gave them a cheery "See ya later mates" waving a happy wave over his shoulder.

We dashed up the stairs the cold air hit us like a blanket of ice, the Cavern had been full of sweat and heat. George was cracking up laughing and I was giggling from the rush.

"Well that went well" George did a twirl with me, happy he had fobbed his mates off with a setup , he grabbed my hand pulling me down the street laughing.

....You owe me George Harrison.

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