I've Just Seen a Face-14

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Admitting Your Weakness

A few days later there was a rumour spreading through the party that we would be walking into the nearby village to watch a movie at the outdoor cinema. Nothing had been said of that yet so everyone waited on bated breath for the news.

The Maharishi attended the evening meal that night and everyone was waiting for the cinema rumour to come true. The Maharishi had another surprise in store for us instead.

"Lovely people, please gather round" The Maharishi spoke softly so it was the norm to close in on him. His cane chair at the end of the room was covered in patterned linen and the floor covered in highly decorated intricate Indian inspired pictures and colours. Most sat, others stood at the back.

"Peace and Love to you" The Maharishi greeted the roomful of followers and the room, as we know what is expected, returned the greeting, everyone smiling and calm settling over us. A blanket of serenity.

Today was a lovely day full of meditation and love. I am happy with the level of commitment you have shown and wish to set a different task. One that requires co-operation, help to others and support"

A murmur went through the room, No cinema tonight!

"It comes to me through your words and actions that all of you in one way or the other are crippled" John had to slap a hand over his own mouth knowing he would retort something untoward. George, Paul and Ringo all cast an eye at him waiting for the slip up. The Maharishi continued on unaware of John's near outburst of verbal diarrhoea. "Crippled by a fear. A fear big or small can close your world making it shallow and less likely for you to reach the heights of your life. Michael tell us a fear that you have, please share, you know you are among friends"

All eyes turned toward Mike Love, The Beach Boys singer was usually the first to answer any questions but tonight he was caught in the headlights, who wants to tell so many 'friends' their deepest fears. "Ummm well I..." Maharishi smiled and used his hands to beckon Mike to proceed "Oh I don't like Monkeys, I'm scared of them"

A ripple of laughter swept over the room but with one look the Maharishi silenced it. He then looked over the rest of the crowd that was so eager moments ago to watch a movie realising now, they might have to lay open a hidden part of themselves.

"Richard? Please share" Ringo looked sick but it wasn't the food tonight it was this.

"Well I..." twisting his favourite silver ring he looked down then just jumped in "Oh I know, I don't like swimming I can't swim very well at all" Maureen patted his shoulder and Paul ruffled his hair but there was no laughter. It could be YOU next.

Pattie and I looked at each other we had had a conversation very similar to this a couple of days ago. The Maharishi had enquired to each of us and probably others about what our fears were. We chatted that afternoon and found he had said nearly exactly the same thing to each of us, probably the whole congregation. I shrank down but it didn't help. The Maharishi's beady eyes locked onto mine.

"Kassandra my dear. Wait. Before Kassandra tells us her fear" I think I just died, almost "What we are going to try to do is help you work through your fears, friend helping friend then we all witness you meeting of that fear and conquering it! Kassandra please continue"

Pattie gave my hand a squeeze. She was with me in this pickle so we were not alone. I bit my lip and glanced at the boys, George quizzical, John with eyebrows raised and a bit of a smirk, Paul that grin that you want to smack right off his cherub dial off sometimes and Ringo silently wishing me strength " Ok right. Well I fear anyone hearing me sing" I think I heard John guffaw and Georges eyeborws shot up into his hairline!

Pattie held her hand up like she was in school "Me too. Me too. Kas and I, the two peas in the pod!" We gave each other a hug.

So there it was. Myself and Pattie silent singers, Paul hating spiders, Ringo battling swimming, George fearing mortality (not sure how that gets cured!?) and John hated flying. And a multitude of other fears and terrors. Tigers, elephants, ants, scorpions, cracks in the sidewalk. Jane's was a colour? I think she just had time to think up a mundane answer and Maureen's was swimming too.

Everyone that had similar fears were told to meet and discuss them together first. Then others that did not fear those particular fears would help them. So, Ringo and Mo couldn't or didn't like to swim so myself and Pattie would help them. Pattie and I would not sing so a singer would help us.

"Well righto Ringo and Mo are set. Paul has to meet up with Donovan as he keeps spiders as a hobby. Spiders!~ Bloody idiot" The last bit John mumbled under his breath. "George gets more time with Maharishi lucky him, I get to go on a swing or something. Now, the exciting fear to cure...!" John rubbed his hands together relishing 'helping' Pattie and I.

"No John the girls need to get over the fear not get a new one of never listening to music again" Paul the voice of reason, thank goodness!

"Pauls right, you know. It would be like me becoming the pilot of the plane you are trying to get over your fear of flying in John" Ringo pretended to be flying a plane then coming in for a harsh and heavy crash landing. The group applauding his imitation.

"Kas, Pattie" Everyone looked at us, George smiled, thinking we would definitely name him our mentor. He continued on "Who would be less threating out of us to be your guides, seers and singing choir leaders?" Ringo leaned right back in his chair he wasn't interested in this, he was already slotted to help 'cure' John.

Pattie and I groaned in unison, our heads in our hands, peeking out of our slightly spread fingers. The end result of all this would be to sing in front of the entire group. "Paul" we both said the same thing at the same time and burst out in nervous laughter. George huffed. Paul preened. John rolled eyeballs again.

"George you're too close to both of us, John you too. I think you might be a little over zealous also!" Pattie cuddled George and I gave John a nudge to show we were sorry.


"Now, why do you think you and Pattie are scared little sparrows?" John was smoking his third cigarette for the evening, it wasn't even an hour after dinner he was leaning slightly toward the fire pit, flicking the ash toward the timber, it's flames twisting and turning red to yellow through to blue.

"George?!" he smiled brightly, like he had cured cancer. George being our cause of scared singing. I grabbed his cancer stick that jutted out the side of his mouth and stomped it out. He just shrugged put another to his lips but didn't light up this time.

"It doesn't matter why. Now it's out there in the universe and we have to man up and sing in public. I'm shitting bricks myself" John looked behind me and cheekily smiled "It's an expression of speech, you onion. Did we choose right, you know with Paul?"

"Yeah he will be great. You two doing what you're told, singing his silly love songs. Tyrant Paul will have you dancing too if you don't watch out"

"NO. Pattie and I have a few songs we like. I guess we need to see if they suit our horrid voices" My hand was shaking in his as we walked around the edge of the fire.

"You girls will be fine if they let me on stage anyone can do it." I gave him a look to say nick off and he belly laughed, I had to join in, his laughter is infectious.

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