Chapter 30

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Bandit's POV

Pete has been given one chance on account that me and him don't have physical contact at school. He isn't aloud to have detentions with me, and I'm only aloud to see him in English. Besides from that, I was aloud to date him.

The past week has been stressful. Candy is constantly driving my crazy and Neil is always with me. I think he has a crush on me, I wish he would leave me alone.

To make matters worse, someone has been planting drugs in my locker. It's always the ones that I was addicted to. The more I find them, the more scared I get about caving in.

I had finished giving out deals when something fell out of my locker and on to the floor. I shut my locker, knelt down and picked it up. It was a bag of cocaine.

I took in a few deep breaths before going to the bin and chucking the bag into it. I then ran to the bathroom. I couldn't  this anymore.

No one was in the room. I turned to the cubical door and punched it. I then sank to the floor and cried. I pulled my knees to chest and burying my head in them.

This was getting stupid now. I should tell someone, but who would listen? They would think that I'm an addict again, and then they'll send me to rehab again.

"Bandit?" I heard Harley asked.

"Go away!" I cried.

"Bandit, look at me." She ordered.

I looked up at her. She knelt down next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Tell me what's wrong." She ordered. I didn't say anything. "If you don't tell me, then I'll get a teacher."

"I'm scared." I whispered.


"About caving in again." I looked down. "Someone is planting them in my locker. Every time, I throw them away, but I've been getting weaker. I can't do it."

"You need tell someone. An adult." She sighed.

"Who will listen to me though?" I questioned. "I'm just a drugged up teenager to them. They won't understand."

"Tell Pete." She shrugged.

I hesitated. "I'll talk to him later. Just, please, don't tell anyone. I can sort this out."

"Okay." She nodded.

Pete's POV

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch. I was sat at my desk, in a world of my own.

Bandit hasn't been happy for the past week. I was starting to worry. She wouldn't tell me why, and it sucked that I couldn't talk to her during lunch or after school. I only get to see her for two hours when she's home.

She was always texting her friend, Scout, who was her room mate at rehab. They were good friends, constantly talking to each other. Bandit will say such great things about Scout. I could probably contact Scout and find out.

It was probably hormones. Maybe it was a girl thing that I didn't need to worry about. I could be over reacting.

What if she was pregnant? I'd be in such trouble. My parents don't even know about her. I couldn't just go to them and say 'oh yeah, I'm dating a 17 year old who I teach. Even better, I got her pregnant.' They'd kill me.

If she was though, then why hasn't she told me? She can tell me anything. If she was pregnant, despite it being completely illegal, I'd want her to keep it. I'd support her no matter what.

What if she didn't love me anymore? I hated the thought. Without her, I wouldn't want to live. She was my everything and always would be.

My anxiety was getting the better of me. I shouldn't worry, and I won't worry unless she says something serious.

The students started walking into class. They were all talking about some party that was going on this weekend.

Bandit walked in with Harley. Bandit looked as if she had been crying. By the things that Harley was saying, I'm sure that she was trying to make Bandit happy. They sat in the seats and waited for class to start.

"Okay class." I started. "How many of you actually did the homework?"

"I did." Bandit sighed.

I knew that she was telling me the truth because I checked the work.

"Anyone else?" I asked. No one answered. "In that case then, I want it in for tomorrow."

They all started complaining. Great.

"Guys, stop it." I sighed. "For today's lesson, I want you to complete this sheet. You may talk quietly amongst yourselves, but try and focus on the work." 

Carrie handed out the sheets and then the class started their work.

I went round the class, helping anyone who needed it. I was helping Neil with a question.

I hated this guy. Everyday I saw him trying to flirt with Bandit. She looked pretty pissed off every time he tried.

There was suddenly a knock at the door. I opened the door and moved to the side as two police officers walked in.

"How can I help you officers?" I asked.

I tried to not look guilty. After all, I was in a illegal relationship with a minor.

"We need to speak to Bandit Stump. Is she here?" The one answered.

Everyone in the class looked at Bandit. She looked really guilty, but I didn't know what. Maybe it was because what I thought.

"I'm Bandit Stump." Bandit finally spoke up.

"Can we talk to you in the staff room?" The man asked.

She nodded and slowly stood up. She packed her things away as the officers walked away. She was about to walked out of the room when she gave me a look that read 'help me'. I gave her an assuring smile and she walked away.

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