Chapter 9

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Next Morning.........

(In Guari's room)

Gauri Felt a bit better after telling someone about her worries and getting some assurance from them especially since that person was Omkara, but she was also a tiny bit scared that he or someone else may misunderstand her, although she had gotten very close to the entire family she knew or at least thought that this wasn't enough time to fully understand a person and one thing that she didn't want to lose at the moment was the only family she had her only experience in getting love. She now wasn't sure if she decreased her worries or increased them.

(In Omkara's room)

Om, on the other hand, was also as tensed because he just see Gauri cry or in trouble and here he had to see both things at once. At the moment all he could think about is Gauri's safety, he knew that the Oberoi power was more than enough to keep Gauri safe since they were the leading  businessmen not only in India but were also quite renowned in foreign countries too but what he was most afraid of what if she leaves or they cause her mental harm what can he do then?

Both were very tensed for different reasons but one thing they knew they had to do was talk to each other and that too as soon as possible, another thing that struck their mind was that they should tell the rest of the family about this because in just a few weeks they all have become very attached to Gauri. They both with a lot on their mind got freshened up and went downstairs for breakfast where they were greeted by the rest of the family.

Rest of the family:  Good morning Om/ O Gauri/ Gauri di.

Rikara: Good morning everyone.

They both got seated for breakfast.

Shivaay: Didn't you sleep well, Om?

Om: Why do you ask Shivaay?

Shivaay: Well the fact that you have huge bags more like suitcases under your eye say a lot.

AniRu slightly giggled

Om:...Oh, its nothing I was just a bit restless last night maybe I had too much coffee throughout the day more than usual at least.                                                                                                                                   He said trying to avoid the topic until he has talked to Gauri in this matter.

Gauri knew this was clearly not the case seeing him hesitate before speaking, she knew exactly why he didn't sleep well and she was guilty for it.

Gauri (to herself): I should have never told him he seems so worried, this family is so nice they let me in and treated me just like their family member if not better I can't, I just  trouble them I should leave, yes that's that's the best idea I should leave as soon as I can.

After breakfast, everyone headed to do 'work' of their own all morning Om and Gauri were striving to talk to each other but were unable to and now it was just past noon and they still hadn't had a chance to talk.

Om (to himself): I need to talk to gauri I have been trying to talk to her for ages one thing or another happens and I am unable but now its past noon I need to talk to her and that to now.

Just then he saw Gauri, and both him and Gauri said at the same time

Gauri: Omkaraji we need to talk.

Om: Gauri we need to talk

Om: Ok you go first, but before you start let's go outside in the garden.

Both Om and Gauri head out to the garden and get seated on a bench.

Gauri(in a low and sad tone): I'm sorry Omkaraji, I'm so sorry you all are so nice to me and all I am causing in trouble and worry for all of you.

she paused and few seconds before resuming and by now her eye were full of tears. 

Gauri: I Think I should leave as soon as possible

here Om just couldn't stand this firstly, she was in danger, secondly, she is talking about leaving them leaving him and thirdly, she is crying the situation simply couldn't get worse for Om. Hold her hands in his down on his knees in front of her he said in a consoling way.

Om: Gauri you are not causing us any trouble and you call us your family right? you call me your best friend right? then what kind of friends and family would we be if we left you in a time of need? Gauri we are here with you, you don't need to worry about anything okay. If you ever feel scared or if they ever threaten or harm you, you have to promise me that you will straight away come and tell me or someone in the house.

seeing her break down Om immediately took her in his embrace, and told her while rubbing her back and reassuring her,

Om: Don't worry Gauri we won't let anything happen to you, we are all here with you, as long as I'm here no one can even to dare touch you.


Hi, guys sorry I'm late, it's just that I get so tired after school and the stacks and stacks of homework weren't letting me update. Well I hope you liked it please give me your views I will be waiting for your comments, all negative views are accepted with open arms

Guys lets all pray for the soldiers who just died in attacks so their souls will rest in peace, let's also pray for their families so they will be safe and hopefully won't have to face any more saddens!!!

See you soon guys (hopefully)

❤️Love Pra-Pra❤️ (not my real name).

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