5. Personalities

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Just a girl who runs in sneakers,
Prefers them over heels,
Who wears clothes and jumpers,
And no make up to conceal.
Avoiding undue attention,
Yup! that's her main deal.

Doesn't mind getting wet in the rain,
In fact, waits for a chance
To have a little rain dance.
Doesn't mind if the mud stains her shoes or if her hair is undone.
Just lives her life as if she cares for none.

Certainly doesn't mean she looks down upon those,
Who are unlike her,
Who prefers to dress,
Prefers to impress,
Prefers to make themselves presentable,
And also want some people's attention.

There is nothing wrong in that,
Personalities is not a judging criteria,
And definitely not a criteria to differiate.

For personalities are something that people are born with or grow into,
Something that shouldn't change
Just for the sake of a judgemental narrow minded aunt or two.

Whether a girl with jumpers or short skirts,
Whether a boy with suits ot just trousers,
For heaven sake,
Whether gay or straight,

We all end up sharing the same soul.
Eventually, with time we shall see similarities,
Till then don't mock and differentiate based on personalities.

AN: All of us armies are tsked at for liking kpop, more specifically for liking songs made by 'chinkies' or 'short asian' (what's weird is where I am from, the haters ARE SHORT ASIANS!! I swear I live with people who have brains as big as an ant's testis)

AN: All of us armies are tsked at for liking kpop, more specifically for liking songs made by 'chinkies' or 'short asian' (what's weird is where I am from, the haters ARE SHORT ASIANS!! I swear I live with people who have brains as big as an ant's...

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He really seemed soo happy!
I woulf do anything to keep him smiling.

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