8. Unambitious

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I watch the sun set
As I am sitting on a tree,
Trying to focus on my haywire life and the horizon infront of me.

I lean against the bark,
Hoping to forget the ugly present.
The people around me want me to choose a way,
To focus on a particular ambition,
Expecting me to blossom like a lonely flower in a hay field.

But how do you expect me to choose
From all the possibilities of being a better me?
Is it really my fault that everything I see interests me?

I am tired of them saying
'You have so much potential, so bad to see it wasted'
The words I have been trying to avoid,
Now in my brain, were the only words they pasted.

Honestly, I am just waiting for an allude from atleast one of three holy ghost,
To know what I stand for,
To seek my purpose.
But I know better than to wait for my prays to be answered.

God is cruel,
'He looks from above' they say,
He sees the struggle and the pain.
He watches how everybody pushes me in all directions,
Yet he does nothing but remain silent.

'Be patient' I hear him say,
Even though I am hanging by my last thread as the clock ticks away.
The orange sky before me seems to be getting darker,
An indication that I must go back and face the reality.

Which is nothing but the bitter truth,
That this world needs you to be focused rather than thoughtful.

That you need to know your path,
Instead of enjoying your journey.

That the number of achievements in your life is what should make you happy,
Even if the smile that you wear for your success is forced,
Instead of something that should have come naturally.

AN: This is something very different I tried. Hopefully, I can convey what I felt because I kinda rushed this. I am sorry if its crappy.

And here is the man I love....

And here is the man I love

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