16. He Flys

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He is my love.
He is everybody's love.
And most know his story.
But I, a pathetic potato, shall still  describe
His incredible journey.

Once upon a time,
A boy young and shy,
Decided to take steps toward his passion,
Even though his teenage years had just started.
But the boy knew, knew that all he wanted was to sing.

Voice gift by the Gods above,
Envied by the angels,
All he wanted was to prove that he was born a singer,
To prove it to himself.

And so his journey began,
He left his nest,
Took steps closer to his dream,
Even got intimidated by the best.

What he didn't know was that
God had sent six goofs for him,
To take care of him.
To baby him.
So that he could have a family like no other.

The struggle was hard.
So was the their stubbornness.
From not getting popular,
To people dissing their dance and vocals.
For almost four year it seemed like they were going nowhere.
Especially when debt hit them too.

The boy was recognized for his voice though.
Other companies tempted him to leave his group,
To start alone.
And probably in another universe,
He might have given in.

But how can you turn your back on those, who not only have your back but are even willing to carry you till the end?

He obviously turned them down.
Despite him not being successful career wise,
The young boy earned a lot more in reality.
Six hyungs, who encourage him,
Who make him feel secure.
Who raised him
They made him get over his shyness.
They made him an international playboy.

Lord heard their prayers eventually.
He probably couldn't resist.
  When they started to be themselves, write songs about how they felt and sang without a damn inspite of everything they have been through,
God definitely gave them everything.
Except facial hair maybe.

And now they have a galaxy to themselves.
Their own little galaxy protected by armies.
Oh! They also have a sea full of awards
And so much money, that they have to use it as toilet paper.
Don't worry, they are still the same humble down to earth goofs.
They spend the money on charity and are still excited if someone offers free food.

And what about that young boy you ask?
Well...he flaunts his abs.
And He Flys.

AN: Tried something new.  🌌 🌌

  🌌 🌌

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