21. Consolation

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Humans are nothing but a function of struggle and time. My math geeks know what I am saying.

We all have things in the past that hurt us.
We all are scared of things in the future that can hurt us.
We all are dependant on time and what it can bring upon up as it changes.
Unfortunately, we are too focused on trying to control time.

But that's the point.

We have forgotten that it is,
And forever will be something we can't control.

Pain will come along the way no matter what. No matter how much you try and hide from it. No matter how much you avoid it.

But we can choose what to be pained for and who to be pained with.
These two decision make the whole
difference in how we experience things,
with how we experience life.

As Ted Mosby once said,
'Sometimes things fall apart to make room for better things in your life..'

Its like that old shirt of yours
Which is probably faded, may have holes,  and you didn't wear it for the past six months or more
But you still wanna keep it. Why?
Cause it was once the shirt you loved.
It was your lucky charm when you were nervous.
You wore it when you had the best of time and best of memories.
And that's why you want to hold onto it longer.
But please don't not let go of memories.

Cause sometimes you need to let go of the good memories to make the best present!

AN:  something i learned recently and feel the need to share. I missed writing like this.

 I missed writing like this

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